Sunday, December 23, 2012

Patch Recipes: Drink it up on Christmas ?

Patch Recipes: Drink it up on Christmas ?

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December 22, 2012. Posted 14 hours ago.Posted in: Drink Recipes
Patch Recipes: Drink it up on Christmas
Christmas is almost here. If you're celebrating, hopefully you've bought all your presents by now. You probably already know what you're doing food-wise. But did you figure out what you're going to drink? If not, we've got a couple drink recipes that ?

and more??

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Making Your Business A Success With Internet ... - Maynas Eric

If you?re going to market your product on the Internet, you need to do some preparation. It might flounder, rather than flourish. Regardless of your particular product or service, you should find an Internet marketing technique that works for your business. You have to make it perfect and get feedback from family and friends. Then you have to determine supply costs and the time you put in. Then you can set your price. You can use a variety of online advertising tactics to increase the traffic to your site and drive sales.

The more you know about your competition, the more successful you will be. By having an idea of what they are selling or offering, you can improve your business and reach a higher level of success. Whether you like it or not, this is an important piece of the Website marketing puzzle.

Offer freebies that are branded with your company and submit those freebies to the websites that advertise those kinds of deals. If you plan to offer a free e-book, you can submit it to sites that provide e-books at no charge. Many websites give their customers freebies, downloads, and e-zines that accept links for you to submit your site.

TIP! Submit free materials to the various online directories who will list them without charging you. Send any free e-zines to specialized directories that offer these services online.

Most mobile phone companies let you add a dedicated work number to your existing phone. So make sure you get a number.

Make a professional and interesting site your goal. The site you build is the center of all of the Online marketing you do. Create an original design and organize your site so that it is easy to navigate. The design should engage the audience to pay more attention to what is within the site and will keep them looking through it.

The best way to market online is to make sure you?re fully abreast of all the goings-on within the industry. For instance, if a new type of Smartphone is released, it may change the marketing game a little bit. Unless you?re aware of this, you might continue to try some dated techniques that will ultimately end up costing you traffic. But if you?re out in front of things, you can change with the game.

TIP! You should back up every claim you make about your niche. Just because you claim that your Italian language course works doesn?t do anything to make your customers believe you.

For new marketing websites, sites that have a small number of quality pages do better than sites that attempt to pack in too much information. Start with a small site to achieve the best search results. When a site is overloaded with millions of indexed pages, search engines may pass over the site and target a page with fewer and more focused pages.

To bolster the credibility of your web business, you should try to land interviews with authorities within your niche who are well respected. You can jot down notes during the interview or record or videotape the interviews. Interviews and contact with respected successful people in your industry will bring give you greater presences and reputability and can bring you new visitors and potential customers.

A banner featured on your website can feature your mission statement or slogan. Doing so gives your website a professional look, and visitors can quickly understand the website?s function and your goals. This will help you highlight your services and the reasons for your commitment to your products and customers.

TIP! Create an easy to use ?Link To Us? link. The easier it is to link to your site, the higher the number of people who will be willing to do it.

?Guaranteed? is a very strong positive word to use in internet promotion. Even though a guarantee is only as good as the company behind it, people want to know they are not taking a risk by buying your product. People work long hours to earn their salaries, and a strong guarantee makes them more likely to part with their hard-earned cash.

Think about incorporating words like ?simple? and ?easy? into your marketing strategy. The addition of these direct keywords can make it seem that following your process is not hard to do. You can quickly increase business in this manner.

Video marketing can be a very effective advertising technique. Sometimes there is no better way to grab a customer?s attention than by posting a compelling video about your product. Combined with a great screen capture and a captivating title, the video will grab your customers and help guide them to buy.

TIP! Read some psychological studies about web pages and marketing on the net. There are factors of a psychological nature that impact how your brand is perceived by a customer.

When people visit your site, be ready to answer their inquiries. People visit your site looking for information, and if you do not give them the answer to their question, they will move on. Providing copious amounts of information in easily-digestible content will answer all of your visitors? questions and go a long way towards converting them into customers.

You need to have a list of customers and addresses. Post notification on your website to collect emails. However, if you want to be slightly more aggressive, request it in order for customers to purchase items off your site. Once you have an email list, you may use it to offer your customers promotional discounts, share when you are holding a sale and request customer feedback.

To be good at internet marketing, you need to have a good listing on Google. There are a lot of folks looking at Google at all times; you should know when they are searching for something you have to offer. Being listed on Google is vital to being able to take your business to where you want it to go.

TIP! Look at your website from the customer?s point of view. Is it easy to use? Is your content fun and interesting? Can your orders be placed quickly and clearly? You don?t want to bring in business only to lose it because of a poorly designed website.

A great way to update an otherwise stagnant website is to include a blog. Search engines rank sites with fresh content more highly, so if your site is no updated regularly, your ranking will suffer. You could, for instance, write weekly articles on topics related to your products or services.

Your marketing campaigns such utilize emotional descriptions of your products to evoke feelings in your customers which could lead to impulse buys. You will grow brand recognition this way. These types of words include ?relief? and ?security?.

Reading this advice will show you how to use Internet promotion to make your business a success. Lots of preparation beforehand will lead to a successful business venture. You will soon be projecting income that is realistic and begin enjoying the glow of your success.

TIP! ?Fast? is a very powerful word in marketing. Many people are willing to spend a little more money if they can save some time.

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Key Findings: Languages in Primary Education | Language Rich

Language Rich Europe research provides a rich source of cross-national insights into multilingualism across the education sectors. You can browse all the national/regional profiles or simply focus on primary education by reading on:



  • According?to both the EU and CoE, all young European?children should learn two languages in addition to the?national language(s) of the country in which they reside.
  • In primary education,?apart from Italy and Ukraine, all?countries/regions offer extra support for newcomers?in learning the national language.
  • Apart from Wales, all countries/regions report foreign?language provision in primary education. Denmark and?Greece make two foreign languages compulsory, while?18 countries/regions have one compulsory foreign?language. In England, Northern Ireland and Scotland,?foreign languages are optional.
  • Foreign languages are taught from the first year of primary?in 12 of the countries surveyed, from the mid-phase in?seven, and from the final phase only in the Netherlands,?Scotland and Switzerland.
  • English, French and German emerge as the most commonly?taught foreign languages. In many cases, one of these?languages is the compulsory subject to be studied by all?pupils. Italian, Russian and Spanish are other languages?offered either as compulsory or optional foreign languages.
  • Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is?widespread for foreign languages only in Spain, while this?approach is being used in 13 other countries/regions,?although not systematically.
  • Seven countries/regions report using the Common?European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)?explicitly in foreign language learning, although more?may base their national/regional standards on its principles?and approaches. A1/A2 is the CEFR target for this age group?of foreign language learning.
  • Apart from Denmark and Estonia, Regional/Minority languages are offered?in 22 countries/regions. R/M language classes and lessons?in other subjects taught through R/M languages are open?to all pupils irrespective of language background in 20?countries/regions, although Bulgaria and Greece only target?native speakers of these languages. The offer is rich in a?number of countries/regions, with Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary,?Italy, Lithuania, Romania and Ukraine offering four or more?R/M languages either as subjects or, in the majority of cases,?as a medium of instruction. Twelve countries/regions report?widespread CLIL, with another six reporting it in some areas.
  • Only five countries/regions report offering immigrant?languages at primary level. These are Austria, Denmark,?France, Spain and Switzerland (in the canton of Zurich).?In France and Switzerland, immigrant language classes?are open to all pupils, while in Austria, Denmark and?Spain they are reserved for native speakers of immigrant?languages. Spain and Switzerland offer lessons partly?in school hours, whereas in the other countries they?are offered as extra-curricular activities. Achievement?in immigrant languages is not linked to any national, regional?or school-based standards, although the development?of language skills is monitored in all countries. Lessons in?immigrant languages are fully funded by the state in Austria?and Denmark, whereas in France, Spain and Switzerland?they are mainly supported by the country of origin.



  • In primary education qualified language teachers are?employed to teach languages as follows in the countries/?regions surveyed: 16 out of 24 in the national language,?17 out of 22 in R/M languages, 14 out of 23 in foreign?languages, and two out of five in immigrant languages.?In Austria, England, France, Italy, Netherlands, Northern?Ireland, Scotland and Switzerland, foreign languages are?taught by generally qualified classroom teachers. Pre-service?and in-service training is widespread in most?countries/regions except for immigrant languages.
  • A clear area for development in foreign language teaching?is teacher mobility: nine countries/regions out of 24 report?having no support at all in this area, and only Catalonia and?Switzerland report structured teacher mobility programmes.?More should be done to stimulate language teachers to?spend more time in the country of the language they?are teaching to acquire higher level linguistic and?cultural competencies.
  • A number of countries/regions are taking active measures?to increase the supply of language teachers. Basque?Country, Denmark, Estonia and Switzerland are recruiting?national language teachers. Bulgaria, Denmark, England,?Friesland, Hungary, Lithuania and Ukraine are recruiting extra?foreign language teachers. Basque Country, Bosnia and?Herzegovina, Denmark, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Spain and?Ukraine are recruiting R/M language teachers. None of the?countries/regions surveyed are actively recruiting immigrant?language teachers.
This entry was posted in Language Rich Europe and tagged Key findings, Primary Education, research by Language Rich Blog. Bookmark the permalink.


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National Childhood Obesity Facts | Your Health Journal

From Your Health Journal?..?As many of you know, I support a program called SPARK, and I encourage you to visit their site for some great information (link below). They have some great material on their web site, as well as a super program to help children lead healthy lifestyles and fight childhood obesity. When they post about childhood obesity, people should read it, as this is one of their main purposes. Childhood obesity is growing daily in many areas of the US and world. Although recently, there were some positive news about small declines in various parts of the US, it is not to be underestimated. Educating families on the importance of healthy lifestyle in mandatory, and encouraging children to take pride and effort in healthy lifestyle is also important. Please visit my friends at SPARK to learn more.?

From the article?..

Childhood obesity is a major concern in the United States. Over the past few decades there has been a dramatic increase in the number of children suffering from obesity. Kids are staying indoors more with limited physical activity and increased caloric consumption, resulting in a nationwide epidemic of obesity in our children. There are hundreds of organizations, large and small, fighting to stem this trend and help get our kids? health back in check. But a business or non-profit can?t do it alone. Parents and kids must both be willing to change their habits to create a healthier lifestyle.

Causes of Childhood Obesity

There are many causes for childhood obesity, and sometimes a complex combination of circumstances work together to put our children at risk. One thing we know for sure is that reduced physical activity in school is a component and a risk factor for childhood obesity. Studies have shown that throughout our nation, less than one third of school-aged children (age 6-17) engage in physical activity ? that is, activity that makes them sweat and increase breathing and heart rate for at least 20 minutes. And that?s just the minimum recommended amount of physical activity. There is no surprise here that childhood obesity has become a frightening epidemic in our country.

Risks of Child Obesity

High Cholesterol and Blood Pressure: High levels of ?bad? cholesterol called LDL and also high blood pressure are common in obese children.

Bone and Joint Problems: There have been numerous cases of obese children experiencing a slipped growth plate in their hip bone.

Sleep Apnea: Obstruction of the child?s airway is common and can result in many other day-to-day problems like poor school performance and nighttime bedwetting on top of the primary risk where the individual stops breathing in their sleep.

Psychological Problems: Probably the most severe risk of obesity in kids is their emotional and psychological health. Kids will develop poor self-esteem and accept the fact that they will be obese their entire lives, making it extremely difficult for them to change their lifestyle in later years.

Type 2 Diabetes: What used to be only of concern in adults and very rare in children is not a major concern for obese kids.

To read the full article?..Click here


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Friday, November 9, 2012

Bondo University College Job Opportunities | Career Point Kenya

University Jobs Kenya. Teaching, Administration Jobs Kenya
Bondo University College Council is looking for dynamic, visionary and result oriented people to fill the following positions.

Teaching Positions
REF: BUC/ACA/1/12 -School of Humanities and Social Science
1 Professor with bias in Geography and Social Development
1 Professor with bias in Linguistics, Language and Literature
1 Professor with bias in History, Religion and Philosophy
1 Associate Professor with bias in Geography and Social Development
1 Associate Professor with bias in Linguistics, Language and Literature
1 Associate Professor with bias in History, Religion and Philosophy
2 Senior Lecturers with bias in History, Religion and Philosophy
1 Senior Lecturer with bias in Geography and Social Development
2 Senior Lecturers with bias in Linguistics, Language and Literature
3 Lecturers with bias in History, Religion and Philosophy
2 Lecturers with bias in Geography and Social Development
2 Lecturers with bias in Linguistics, Language and Literature

REF: BUC/ACA/2/12- School of Education
1 Professor with bias in Education, Communication Technology & Curriculum Studies
1 Professor with bias in Education Management
1 Associate Professor with bias in Education Foundations
1 Associate Professor with bias in Education, Communication Technology & Curriculum Studies
1 Senior Lecturer with bias in Education, Communication Technology & Curriculum Studies
1 Senior Lecturer with bias in Education Foundations
1 Senior Lecturer with bias in Education Management
1 Lecturer with bias in Education Foundations
1 Lecturer with bias in Education Management

REF: BUC/ACA/3/12- School of Engineering Science
1 Senior Lecturer with bias in Construction
1 Senior Lecturer with bias in Renewable Energy
1 Lecturer with bias in Renewable Energy
1 Assistant Lecturer with bias in Renewable Energy

REF: BUC/ACA/4/12- School of Agriculture, Food Security and Biodiversity
1 Lecturer with bias in Soil and Plant
1 Lecturer with bias in Centre for Food Security and Biodiversity

REF: BUC/ACA/5/12- School of Spatial Planning and Natural Resource Management
1 Senior Lecturer with bias in Planning and Development
1 Lecturer with bias in Water Resources
1 Lecturer with bias in Planning and Development
1 Lecturer with bias in Fisheries Management & Marine Studies
1 Lecturer with bias in Geoinformatics
1 Lecturer with bias in Architecture

REF: BUC/ACA/6/12- Special Needs Education
1 Associate Professor with bias in Guidance, Counseling and Psychology
1 Senior Lecturer with bias in Guidance, Counseling and Psychology
2 Senior Lecturers with bias in Special Needs Education, sign language, brails
1 Senior Lecturer with bias in Early Childhood Education
2 Lecturers with bias in Special Needs Education
1 Lecturer with bias in Guidance, Counseling and Psychology
1 Lecturer with bias in Speech Language and Audiology Education

REF: BUC/ACA/7/12- School of Health Science
1 Senior Lecturer with bias in Public Health, Epidemiology or Biostatistics
3 Lecturers with bias in Public Health, Epidemiology or Biostatistics
2 Assistant Lecturers with bias in Public Health, Community Health and Development or Epidemiology

REF: BUC/ACA/8/12- School of Business Economics
1 Senior Lecturer with bias in Finance/Accounting
1 Lecturer with bias in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
1 Assistant Lecturer with bias in Tourism

REF: BUC/ACA/9/12- School of Biological and Physical Sciences
2 Professors- 1 Chemistry (Inorganic & Analytical) and 1 Physics
2 Associate Professors ? I Chemistry (Inorganic & Analytical) and 1 Physics
3 Senior Lecturers ? Chemistry (Inorganic & Analytical), Physics, Zoology (Biochemistry & Animal Physiology), Botany (Ecology & Plant Physiology)
4 Lecturers ? Chemistry (Inorganic & Analytical), Physics, Zoology, Botany (Microbiology/ Mycology)
1 Assistant Lecturer ?Physics

REF: BUC/ACA/10/12- School of Informatics and Innovative systems
In the following areas of specialization: Computer Architecture, Computer Communication Networks and Distributed Systems , Systems Security, Software Engineering, Hyper-virtualization and Cloud Computing, High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Simulation and Modeling as follow:
2 Associate Professors,
3 Senior Lecturers,
4 Lecturers,
3 Assistant Lecturers and
2 IT Technologists

Administrative Positions
Finance ? Ref: BUC/ADM/11/12
1 Senior Accountant I
1 Accountant

Procurement ? Ref: BUC/ADM/12/12
1 Senior Procurement Officer
1 Procurement Clerk

Library ? Ref: BUC/ADM/13/12
1 Senior Library Assistant
1 Library Assistant
1 Library Attendant
1 Bindery Attendant

Public Relations ? Ref: BUC/ADM/14/12
1 Public Relations Manager
1 Assistant Public Relations Officer

Administration ? Ref: BUC/ADM/15/12
2 Senior Assistant Executive Secretary
3 Secretary
2 Senior Administrative Assistant
7 Administrative Assistants
1 Front Desk Officer/Receptionist
2 Clerical Officer
1 Telephone Operator

Technical ? Ref: BUC/ADM/16/12
1 Technologist ?Soil & Plant Science
3 Technicians-GIS, Cartography and Cartographer, building and construction

Catering and Accommodation ? Ref: BUC/ADM/17/12
1 Assistant Cateress
1 Head Cook
2 Assistant Cooks
2 Dining Hall Checker/Supervisor
2 Kitchen/Dining Hall Attendants
1 Halls Officer
3 Janitors

Security ? Ref: BUC/ADM/18/12
1 Security Officer
1 Assistant Security Officer

Health Services ? Ref: BUC/ADM/19/12
1 Medical Officer
2 Clinical Officers
1 Medical Laboratory Technologist
1 Pharmaceutical Technologist
1 Medical Records Clerk

ICT ? Ref: BUC/ADM/20/12
1 Database Administrator
1 Assistant Software Technologist
1 Assistant Webmaster

Student Affairs ? Ref: BUC/ADM/21/12
1 Students Counselor

Terms and conditions of service:
The successful candidate will be offered a competitive remuneration package in accordance with the existing terms and conditions of service of Bondo University College.

How to apply:
Candidates are advised to check Bondo University College website for specific requirements for the respective positions.

Candidates who satisfy the requirements should forward six (6) copies of their applications by quoting the reference number for the respective positions on the letter and envelope.
Updated curriculum vitae, details of current remuneration, certified copies of academic and professional certificates as well as testimonials plus names, postal and email addresses of three referees must be provided, day time telephone(s) to the address as indicated below by 23rd November, 2012.

Bondo University College is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

The Principal, Bondo University College
P.O. Box 210 ? 40601, Bondo, Kenya
TEL. 057 ? 2501804
Bondo University College Is ISO 9001:2008 Certified


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Anti-botnet techniques assessed against legal admissibility | New ...

Botnet legal liability

Botnets are compromised or hijacked computers.

With botnets still representing a rapidly growing threat to Internet users, various techniques and methods have been and continue being developed in order to reduce the threat that botnets pose to the security of information systems connected to the internet. It turns out, however, that the chances those fighting botnets to be hold legally liable for their actions are not negligible.

A joint report by the Estonia-based NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence and the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) was published in the beginning of the week and looked at the legal implications of countering botnets.

In the beginning, the report comprehensively defined botnets as: ?networks of interconnected, remote-controlled computers generally infected with malicious software (compromised or hijacked computers) turning the infected systems into so-called ?bots?, ?robots? or ?zombies?.

The study examined the legal implications of the implementation of anti-botnet techniques, concluding that ?Potential restrictions to technological countermeasures may arise from basically any field of law, including administrative, civil and criminal law?.

In addition, the results of the report showed that traffic monitoring, as well as botnet takedown and takeover techniques, were surrounded by an array of legal concerns, which, if not addressed properly, could invoke the liability of the botnet fighters.

According to authors, personal data protection violations and illegally breaking the confidentiality of communications were primary concerns which related to packet and traffic inspection. In their opinion, unauthorised botnet takeover or takedown might fall under many criminal law provisions.?

The report looked at the various anti-botnet techniques and methods and concluded that court practice regarding botnets in general was very limited and many botnet countermeasures addressed in the study were neither explicitly permitted nor prohibited by the law.

The authors emphasised that if there was to be a dispute in the future, it would be up to the courts to determine the unlawfulness of the act in question. This is why they recommended the following: ?To avoid facing a potential court case, persons or organisations looking to take up anti-botnet activities should seek for appropriate legal advice beforehand?.

The joint CCDCOE-ENISA study also recommended that legislators use their mandate to shape national laws so that they support rather than hinder the fight against botnets.


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Things To Consider When You Are Pawning Or - Work On the Internet

Pawnshops allow you to either pawn or sell your items. It is very important that you understand the difference between these two things, so that you know exactly what you want to do when you take your items into a Pawn Shop. Below, you will find a breakdown of these two different opportunities and ou will discover what the positives and negatives are able. This should help you make a good decision.

Pawning your items
Typically, a person will pawn their items when they know that they need some money right away but they do not want to part with the items that they're giving to the pawn shop. If you want to someday request your items back and you do not want to completely sell them away, then you should probably pawn your items. When you pawn an item, you are essentially giving them your item as collateral to take out a loan. Based on the value of your item, you will be given an appropriately sized loan. This loan will be in cash, so that you can pay off your bills or whatever else it is that you need money for. When it comes time to where you would like to repay your loan and get your items out of the pawn shop, you can do so. All that you have to do is repay your entire loan and they will return your pawned items to you. Keep in mind though, your loan is going to collect interest and you are going to owe more on the loan then you originally did when you took out the loan. The longer that you go without repaying the loan, the more interest is going to collect. Be sure to repay the loan as quickly as possible, so that you don't have a lot of interest to pay and also so that you don't go a long time without getting your items back.

Selling your items
You can also sell your items to a pawn shop and they will give you straight cash for your items. This is what a lot of people choose to do because it allows you to get the money right away and you never have to worry about it collecting interest. Keep in mind though, when you sell your items to a pawn shop, they immediately take possession of your items and they will resell it for profit. There is no way that you could ever get your items back, this is just like selling it to one of your friends or family members. It is a final deal and it is an "as is" deal.

Pawnshops make their money through buying and selling merchandise as well as providing loans to their clients. These are the two things that you need to consider when you are pawning or selling an item to a pawn shop. Be very aware that when you sell your item to a pawn shop, they will resell it to make profit, so they are not going to give you the complete price of what it is worth. They have to make money at the end of the day, so you will have to expect a little bit of a loss.

If you want to pawn or sell one of your items, you should go to a Pawn Shop that's either located online or in your local neighborhood. Find one by going to,

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The Brandeis Hoot ? Creative writing program sponsor Judeo ...

Gary Shteyngar?s book reading at Brandeis Nov. 5 was not only an important literary experience for students but also an accomplishment for the creative writing department.

Associate Director of Creative Writing Steven McCauley assures, ?We?ve been trying to bring Gary Shteyngar to Brandeis for several years.? A prolific writer, Shteyngar?s arrival was made possible by multiple factors. ?He?s doing a reading elsewhere in Boston,? says McCauley, ?and the Russian studies department was contacted by his booking agent.? Also sponsored by the Brandeis Genesis Institute for Russian Jewry and steadfastly encouraged by Irina Dubinina, director of the Russian Language Program, Shteyngar?s book reading was available only through the communication and cooperation of departments.

McCauley describes how Shteyngar ?has a big following among college students, is a major contemporary writer and a greater performer and some of his novels have been taught in courses in the English department.? Born in Leningrad, USSR, to Jewish parents, Shteyngar rose to fame with only three novels. His works have won the National Jewish Book Award for Fiction, become New York Times Notable Books and won the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize for comic literature. With a talent for satire, Shteyngar is famous for making fun of everything and everyone.

While McCauley admits that for book readings, ?audience size varies greatly from event to event,? the Shteyngar reading was extremely well-attended. Extra chairs had to be added to accommodate the swelling audience. McCauley explains that the large audience could be due to a partnering with different departments, for it ?builds audiences for the reading series and [attracts] students outside of English and creative writing who might not ordinarily consider attending a reading.? Indeed, as Kathy Lawrence announced Shteyngar?s reading, she proclaimed he should feel at home due to the large number of Russian-speaking Jews in the audience.

Shteyngar chose to read from two of his novels, his newest, ?Super Sad True Love Story,? followed by his first, ?The Russian Debutante?s Handbook.? Both scenes chosen illustrated dating scenes and Russian culture. While ?Super Sad True Love Story? is set in the future, the scene Shteyngar read was immensely relatable. He wrote of the relationship between child and parents, whose main hobby is a ?painful scrutiny of their only child.? The scene fondly mocked traditional Russian parents, their dining room with ?fish-smelling air,? floors ?immigrant clean? and loud, noisy personalities. The second novel?s scene focused less on parents but still concerned itself with Russian culture. It described what its relationship in a ?Russian soul? and entailed an uproarious first-date story.

Shteyngar is all that his books make him out to be: he is a funny man and a comic reader. While he reads quickly, all in one breath, he pauses to add different voices to his characters. He would give his Russian voices heavy accents, while American characters? voices were higher-pitched, their dialogue filled with ?likes? and ?totallys.? Even before the reading, Shteyngar illustrated his sense of humor. He mentioned the modern looking cover of ?Super Sad True Love Story,? which is adorned with different colored buttons. He describes how it took a focus group to pick the cover. Yet, the end result only serves readers minimally, for, ?if you have a small dog like a dachshund, it can play twister on this.?

In the question and answer session after the reading, Shteyngar admits his satire is at the ready for everyone. While he mentions the bad reviews he received from Russian critics, he also states that ?nothing gets a free pass, everything sucks in my books.? His admiration for the United States is nothing extreme, he describes it as ?a decent country,? but mentions how ?nothing lasts forever? and ?every empire comes to an end.? In making fun of the U.S., Russians and Jewish people, audiences can at least proclaim that Shteyngar is certainly fair.

Shteyngar does seem to hold a special place in his heart for Russia. At one point, admitting that he struggles with anxiety and depression, he made it clear he believes returning to Russia is helpful. He proclaims he is trying to find out ?who [his] parents really are, and how did they become the people they are,? admitting that that has a direct correlation to himself. Shteyngar seems to struggle with finding himself and finding the true spirit of Russia, for he believes ?nothing ever changes in Russia.? While he describes the political turmoil and poverty in the country, it nevertheless has an irreplaceable hold on Shteyngar. Currently penning a memoir, Russia is extremely essential to Shteyngar?s person.

McCauley describes the impact that readings like Shteyngar?s can have on students. ?It exposes students to a variety of voices and writing styles,? McCauley says. ?Meeting a writer face-to-face gives you an instant connection to their work and emphasizes the point that the creation of literature is an ongoing process,? he says. Students were interested in Shteyngar?s history as a writer, asking questions about his creative process. Shteyngar mentioned how it was his grandmother who got him to write, promising him, ?I?ll pay you a piece of cheese for each page you write.? His first story circled around Lennon and a magical goose and ended with Lennon consuming his comrade. More seriously, Shteyngar admits that writing ?was a way I could be appreciated? and mentions it as a key to making his first friends.

Discriminated against due to his heritage, Shteyngar found writing as a way to connect.

McCauley vouches for creative-writing-sponsored readings, even when they have very few attendees. He believes these programs hold true value. ?Even if you don?t love an author?s work, there?s always a line or a sentence or an observation in a reading that is inspiring,? he said.

More posts by Dana Trismen


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Intern Sushi Goes Nationwide With Its Video-Centric Internship Site

intern sushi logoIntern Sushi is trying to improve the often-horrible internship application/selection process, and it's expanding with full nationwide support, as well as adding new industries. Here's the idea: Resumes are pretty useless when it comes to choosing interns. Actually, they're pretty flawed in general, but they're particularly bad for internships, where employers are probably choosing one or two candidate from a large list of applicants whose resumes are going to look pretty similar (because they don't have much professional experience yet). Instead, with Intern Sushi, users are asked to create a profile that captures their personality and ambitions. That centerpiece of the profile is a short video, but users can include a portfolio of their work too. They can also create content tailored to a specific opening, like a video cover letter outlining why they really really really want that internship.


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Storm of protest as debt-stricken London borough plans to sell $32M ...

Bethany Clarke / Getty Images file

'Draped Seated Woman' by Henry Moore was sold to one of London's borough councils at a knock-down price in 1962 on the understanding it would be displayed in the area, which was notorious for its social deprivation and which had also been heavily bombed during the Second World War. It is currently displayed at a sculpture park in Yorkshire.

By Alastair Jamieson, NBC News

LONDON -- A debt-stricken district of London is to sell a sculpture gifted to the local area by celebrated artist Henry Moore, prompting fierce criticism and raising questions over the future of other publicly owned artworks amid austerity cuts.

The mayor of Tower Hamlets - one of the poorest areas of Britain ? decided late Wednesday to sell the 8-foot Henry Moore bronze statue "Draped Seated Woman" as the borough council tries to cut a deficit of $144 million.

It is thought the sale of the sculpture could raise up to $32 million for the council. Independent mayor Lutfur Rahman over-ruled the concerns of a committee of politicians to order the artwork be auctioned to the highest bidder.

Ian Leith, founder and deputy chairman of the Public Monuments and Sculpture Association,?told the U.K.?s Guardian that the high-profile decision means other towns and cities might now be tempted to see artworks simply as financial assets.

"We fear that this is the beginning of local authorities wanting to realize the assets they have in their public sculptures," he told the newspaper. "But the danger is that we won't find out about these sales: There is no national audit of public art in England and no at-risk list.?

In the United States, at least four cities have declared bankruptcy as they struggle to make budget cuts.

Read more coverage of this story at ITV News

Among those criticizing the London decision was Danny Boyle, the "Slumdog Millionaire" film director and choreographer of the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony, who is also a resident in the east London borough.

Boyle told the Daily Telegraph: "The Moore sculpture defies all prejudice in people's minds about one of London's poorest boroughs. That alone makes it priceless to every resident."

Moore, who died in 1986, sold his sculpture to the council in 1962 at a knock-down price on the understanding it would be displayed in the local area, which was notorious for its social deprivation and which had also been heavily bombed during the Second World War.?It sat in a public housing project in Stepney Green until 1997 when the project was demolished and it was loaned to a sculpture park in Yorkshire.

'Not insurable'
Heather Bonfield, the council?s interim head of culture, told a meeting on Wednesday night that displaying the sculpture in public parks in the area was no longer feasible because of the risk of vandalism and metal theft, making it ?not insurable?, according to a report in The Wharf?local newspaper.

Tower Hamlets councilor Shahed Ali told ITV News the cash raised would be used for ?services for local people, services that will make as big difference to our local residents.?

??We have youth population that is the largest in Europe and the money will help address those needs,? he said.

Tower Hamlets was one of the six boroughs adjacent to the Olympic Park, which transformed a derelict former industrial wasteland in east London into the epicenter of the 2012 Summer Games.


A diverse community in East London will welcome the world to Britain for the 2012 Olympic Games. Meet residents and hear how they feel about having a huge, world stage in their backyard.

Sharon Ament, director of the?Museum?of London?Docklands which is in the borough, proposed a plan to host the statue ? but her offer was rejected.

?We are hugely disappointed,? she told ITV News. ?Just because we?re going through really tough times financially, it doesn?t mean to say that the cultural, artistic and spiritual needs of the population shouldn?t be met.?

Local member of parliament, Rushanara Ali, told the East London Advertiser: ?The sculpture belongs to the people of the East End and should remain in public ownership and be available for everyone to enjoy as Henry Moore intended it.

?This is a betrayal of the East End?s working class heritage. The sale will only make a small contribution to the council?s budget.?

In Sunday?s Observer newspaper, commentator and local resident Rowan Moore wrote: ?'Draped Seated Woman' fulfills an ideal that nothing was too good for ordinary people, an ideal that modern local politicians are in danger of losing. To sell the sculpture as if it were a piece of real estate would ? betray Moore?s generosity. It would raise the question why anyone should ever want to offer anything to a local authority again.?

Local journalist and blogger Ted Jeory told NBC News the decision to sell the statue in order to keep funding for current local projects was?a "vote-buying program" by Mayor Rahman, who is up for re-election in 18 months.?"This is not about government cuts, it?s about his love of power," he said.

ITV News is the U.K. partner of NBC News.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Health Benefits Of Water Based Exercise : The Viatarian Diet- Body ...

waterThe special properties of water can provide you with excellent benefits if you are trying to heal a back injury. ?Being in water provides a safe environment for working out your muscles and?stretching?your body. ?It also allows you to do more than you would on land by eliminating the constraints imposed by gravity.

Being immersed in water places pressure all over your body. ?To build strength, you must work your muscles against this pressure. The deeper in the water you go, the more pressure will be exerted, and the harder the workout will be.

Beginners should stay close to the shallow water, where the floor and sides of the pool can provide stability, if need be. ?Working in deeper water while wearing a?flotation belt?will increase the challenge.

Water-based exercise improves mental health. ?Swimming can improve mood in both men and women. ?For people with fibromyalgia, it can decrease anxiety and exercise therapy in warm water can decrease depression and improve mood. ?Water-based exercise can improve the health of mothers and their unborn children and has a positive effect on the mothers? mental health. ?Parents of children with developmental disabilities find that recreational activities, such as swimming, improve family connections.

Water-based exercise can help people with chronic diseases. ?For people with arthritis, it improves use of affected joints without worsening symptoms. ?People with rheumatoid arthritis have more health improvements after participating in hydrotherapy than with other activities. ?Water-based exercise also improves the use of affected joints and decreases pain from osteoarthritis.

Water Based Exercise And Caloric Burn:

Expect to burn between 400 and 500 calories per hour in a water aerobics class, according to the Aquatic Exercise Association. ?The actual amount you burn will depend on your size, the intensity of your movements, as well as water temperature and depth. ?In general, faster movements incorporating the upper and lower body in deep water elicit the greatest calorie burn.

Water Based Exercise And Cardiovascular Conditioning:

Water aerobics exercises prove to be extremely beneficial in terms ofcardiovascular conditioning. ?In such an exercise, the heart rate is maintained at a lower rate, when compared to cycling or running. ?The heart seems to work better when you indulge in water aerobics.

When exercising in water, you work against 12 times the resistance of air, according to an article published in ?American Fitness? in 1996. ?Simply kicking and cupping the water helps contribute to muscle development, which translates into a higher metabolism and healthier body. ?Many water aerobics classes incorporate equipment like water paddles, noodles, single or double buoys, and kickboards to further induce strength gains. ?Push-ups or triceps dips performed on the pool deck also help build strength.

If you have a chronic illness or a physical limitation, talk to your doctor before performing water-based exercises. Your doctor can help you decide which exercises are safe for your specific condition. If you do not know how to swim, do not exercise in deep water or without supervision
Thanks for Reading!!!




Tags: benefits of water based exercise, water based exercise and cardiovascular conditioning, water based exercise and chronic illness, water based exercise and mental health, water exercise, water exercise and calorie burn

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Lesson from APHA: For Most Immigrants, Immigration Policy is ...

Because my current research explores health care access among immigrants in Boston, particularly in light of Massachusetts health reform, I enjoyed hearing how many states are preparing for full PPACA implementation among vulnerable populations. As I have heard about these different strategies and challenges that will remain after implementation, I am reminded of the progress that has already been made, but the work that remains to be done in Massachusetts six years after the passage of health reform.

My recent interviews with immigrants, providers, and organizations have revealed that gaps still remain in care, even for individuals with coverage. This has been a recurring theme in sessions I attended on the ACA: that having insurance coverage does not guarantee access to and use of actual health care services. Additional barriers in documentation status, language proficiency, cultural competency, health literacy, and patient-provider interactions still influence health care. Though increasing insurance coverage is a huge step toward decreasing health disparities and improving the health outcomes of people in the U.S., coverage through the ACA will not be available to all undocumented and some legal immigrants.

My attendance at APHA thus far as an immigration and health researcher has also further convinced me of the interconnected relationship between immigration policy and health policy. For most immigrants, and especially the undocumented, immigration policy is health policy and vice versa. The increase in anti-immigrant state policies and lack of comprehensive reform at the federal level have far-reaching impacts on the health outcomes and health care of immigrants and their U.S. and/or foreign-born children. Some APHA sessions emphasized these impacts, which also overlapped with my own preliminary research in Boston. With (pending) full implementation of the ACA, I look forward to examining how other states with large immigrant populations incorporate ACA guidelines alongside figuring out how to provide care for immigrant and other vulnerable populations. Being at the APHA has allowed me to further contemplate these issues with public health professionals who may be potential colleagues in future research.

On a lighter note, I have noticed some differences between APHA and my primary professional organization, the American Sociological Association (ASA). The first is the sheer size of the conference and the organization. With more than 12,000 people in attendance and 1,000 sessions, there were a wealth of opportunities to learn about different disciplinary approaches to doing health research and connect with scholars, community workers, and clinicians doing similar research. Having scholarly conversations with and thinking about the possibility of developing future collaborations with clinicians I have met at APHA will refine my research questions and improve the research design of my health-related research.

Another difference I have noticed is how every attendee?s nametag includes every degree that the attendee has. I have met people who have five degrees listed on their nametags, which sometimes makes it difficult to read attendees? names and affiliations. ASA attendees and sociologists generally do not list their degrees on nametags.

Finally, there is more diversity in the professions represented at the APHA than at ASA who are primarily academics. APHA attendees are academics, policy-makers, clinicians, and non-profit organization employees, to name a few. Thus, I imagine it is easier to translate their research to a broader and non-academic audience, which is not always easy for sociologists.

Last but not least, I have enjoyed running into former colleagues and attending receptions, which provided more opportunities to network. It was especially great to attend the two RWJF receptions, one for the New Connections Program and a general RWJF reception, which further reminded me of what a privilege it is to be a part of the RWJF family! I will certainly head back to Boston even more inspired and excited to continue my current RWJF research and keep in touch with relevant connections I have made at APHA.


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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I'm Back.

Hello all.

I've actually been back for about a week now but I figured I'd make it official.
Several weeks ago I was diagnosed with an intestinal disorder, for which became quite painful. Medicine was used at first but it proved none effective. Long story short surgery had to be preformed. Suffice to say it went well, luckily there was no complications and I'm feeling much better now.

I really don't know why I'm telling you all this, I haven't been here long enough for any of you to know me personally and I doubt many care. -shrugs-
Guess I figured I'd at least tell you all I'm alright.




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Glogou Launches New Tools To Help Businesses Build Their Online ...

Glogou is a startup offering to help businesses tap into the massive Chinese market, and with the launch of new, self-service tools, it may be able to reach a broader swath of customers.

Language is one of the obvious challenges facing American businesses trying to sell products or services in China. The ad management system for Baidu, the country?s largest search engine, is available only in Chinese, according to Glogou. So the startup recently launched an interface allowing businesses to manage Baidu ad campaigns in English.

The interface itself isn?t the only language barrier, of course ? businesses still need to know what kinds of ads they should be running, and what kinds of keywords they should be targeting. But that?s where Glogou?s existing services come in. The company already works with businesses to determine whether there?s an audience in China for their product, and to build marketing campaigns to reach that audience. The new Baidu interface complements those services, allowing Glogou to monitor their campaigns on their own. And it could still be used by new customers who created a campaign without Glogou but would still prefer to work with an English interface.

The company?s other new product is called WAVE, which stands for Web Access & Visibility Evaluator. WAVE focuses on some of the more technical issues in building an online presence in China ? whether a business? website is even accessible from China, whether it shows on in Chinese search engines, and whether their products are being discussed on Chinese social networks. WAVE runs tests, delivers a report outlining how companies are doing at the moment, and what steps they can take to increase their visibility.

Glogou says that its products are based on tools that were first developed by the team while at Stanford University. Customers include Intel, IBM, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The company is self-funded.

Glogou Inc is a global advertising agency specialized in marketing campaigns in China.

? Learn more


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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why You Can't Decide On A Career - Business Insider

Have you ever heard a story about someone whose childhood interest grew comfortably into a career?

There?s the kid who constantly messed around with his parent?s computer and naturally pursued a career as a programmer. Or the child with an utter fascination for drawing that led her securely down the path of being a graphic designer.

But guess what? For most of us, that doesn?t happen.

Most of us look at others? seemingly effortless career choices with envy, because we?re still wondering what we want to be when we grow up. Oh yeah, and we?ve already grown up.

If that?s you, have a look at these reasons that likely explain why you?re having trouble choosing a career direction:

1. You Don?t Know What You Like

The basis for choosing a rewarding career direction is recognizing the topics, activities or environments that are more interesting to you than most other things. Identifying these categories is tremendously helpful because it focuses your career search. You can learn about potential jobs, network and develop your skills in a manner that is specifically targeted to your areas of interest.

If you don?t know what you like, the opposite scenario occurs. Every job in the world becomes a possibility. Or perhaps you try to hit the moving target of today?s coolest or most lucrative career paths. Your attention scatters and your attempts at developing a career suffer.

To remedy this issue, turn an interested eye toward the man (or woman) in the mirror.

Take a look at your computer?s bookmarked sites, the books on your bookshelf and the television programs you enjoy. Ask friends what they?ve noticed about your interests. Try to remember experiences that were particularly enjoyable for you. A few themes will likely emerge.

If your internal search results come back empty, invest time into exploring new things, particularly those things you think you might like. These do not need to be immediately relevant to a career path. It may sound silly, but knowing you prefer attending a ballroom dancing class over a book group matters. Ask yourself why you like a certain topic to gain a deeper insight into your preferences, and remember that the main goal with this exploration is to increase your self-knowledge.

2. You Know What You Like, But You Don?t Think It?s Okay

One unfortunate result of humans being such socially oriented creatures is that we?re extremely susceptible to the opinions and doubts of other people. If you?ve been feeling confused about your career direction for a while, my guess is that the true issue probably isn?t a lack of knowledge of what you want. Instead, the confusion stems from the fact that what you want conflicts with what the people around you tell you is acceptable or possible. Often when this occurs, we dismiss what we truly want and instead try to conform to others? expectations.

A telltale sign that this is occurring is when you have an initial shot of excitement over a particular career path but then wind up avoiding it completely. This avoidance stems from your social sense, which is telling you that people in your life might judge or belittle such a career decision. To dodge this potential discomfort, you retreat. Then you look around and wonder why other career paths never sound that appealing.

The core solution to conquering this issue is to modify your social environment. Find and surround yourself with people who naturally accept who you are deep down. These people may be others who are already pursuing your desired career path. They may be particularly accepting and supportive friends. Or they may take the form of a coach or mentor with whom you click.

Focusing on creating an environment full of social acceptance for what you want will help you to calm down, drop the confusion and realize that your true career aspirations are legitimate and worth honoring.

Remember those people who seemed to have effortless career paths? In all likelihood, they had an awareness of what they liked and an environment that supported them in pursuing their dreams. You may not have had these two things before, but as an adult, you can find ways to provide them for yourself. Hopefully by giving yourself a dose of introspection and an encouraging community, you?ll be able to drop your career decision anxiety and get on your way.

Get our best career advice delivered to your inbox. Sign up today!

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3 Bedroom Home for Sale in Litchfield Park, AZ Wigwam Creek North

by Matt Wilczek on October 31, 2012

pictures of 3 bedroom homes in Litchfield Park As?Litchfield Park realtors we are proud to list this 3 bedroom home for sale in Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 in the subdivision of Wigwam Creek North Subdivion. This Litchfield Park real estate was first listed in the Arizona regional MLS in late October 2012.

This 3 bedroom home in Litchfield Park ?is close to Westgate City Center, University of Phoenix Stadium, Luke Air Force Base, freeways, and Litchfield schools. Let the pictures do the talking!!

See the 24 slide home show: Home for Sale in Litchfield Park Arizona in Wigwam Creek North Phase 2?and located at?12601 W Colter ST Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

Here are some of the features:

  • $155,000
  • 2,024 square feet, or $77 per square foot; take note that the average price of Litchfield Park real estate is currently $86 per square foot (see below)
  • 4,703 square foot lot
  • 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, 2 car garage
  • Repainted a year ago
  • Corian?Counter tops?in the Kitchen
  • Downstairs is all Tile and Wood laminate flooring
  • Sparkling Fenced in Play Pool, perfect for the summer month?s
  • Upstairs has a 10 x 14 LOFT
  • Rock, Palm Tree and Grass landscaping in front yard, Rock, artificial grass and Palm Tree landscaping in backyard

Home for Sale in Litchfield Park $77 per SF

This 3 bedroom home for sale in Litchfield Park is CLEAN and ready to be yours! NO FRONT NEIGHBORS! With Greenbelt and Elementary School in the front of the home. GREAT OPPORTUNITY for Litchfield Park real estate!! Litchfield Realtors and their buyers should verify schools if they are material to any purchase decision.

Image depicting price per square foot of Litchfield Park real estate equaling $86 in October 2012 as provided by Litchfield Park realtors


This home is located just 5 miles from Westgate City Center which offers all types of entertainment options for all types of Litchfield Park residents and visitors:

  • Enjoy a Movie with friends and family at AMC Westgate 20 with?State-of-the-art sound, stadium-style seating & a gourmet snack bar at this 20-screen movie theater.
  • Experience a Arizona Cardinals game or an Event at the University of Phoenix Stadium?with its retractable roof and field. It?s unlike any other stadium in North America.
  • Take in a Phoenix Coyotes game or catch your favorite Musical Act at Jobing.Com Arena which?hosts more than 225 sporting events, concerts and special events each year.
  • Choose from several restaurants like Saddle Ranch Steak House, Yard House, Jimmy Buffet?s Margaritaville and Shout House.
  • Enjoy the?WaterDance Plaza, an open-air Plaza featuring a $6 million Bellagio-inspired dancing water attraction, combines water effects with songs and video imagery.
  • Families can enjoy Fountain Pad (splash pad) which is located across from AMC 20, as they can?share in laughter and fun as they pop into the streaming shots of water and enjoy a sunny afternoon.
  • Enjoy shopping at stores like Quiksilver, Fossil, Just Sports, Sketchers, and Puma.
  • Westgate will soon be home to Tanger Outlets Mall, with 85 Brand name shops. It will be opening on November 15, 2012.


** 3 Bedroom Homes for Sale in Litchfield Arizona **

?**Litchfield Park real estate offered by Litchfield Realtors**

Article by Matt Wilczek

Matt has written 2 awesome articles.

Matt Wilczek began his career in Real Estate at the end of 2011. He brings to the table a wealth of knowledge in web design and anything relating to technology.


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Today on New Scientist: 1 November 2012

First stars' light seen through extragalactic fog

Like headlights piercing the gloom, the bright cores of distant active galaxies have helped us glimpse how the first stars formed

Elephant uses mystery move to speak Korean

Watch an elephant mimic human speech by putting its trunk in its mouth

Will software revamp guard grid against cyberattack?

A new operating system could protect power plants and other infrastructure from attack, but the approach may have its own loopholes

Farmerbots: a new industrial revolution

Could machines help solve our food and environmental problems?

Eco-warriors: US military pushes for green energy

The Pentagon's plans to meet 25 per cent of its energy demands from renewables by 2025 could send benefits rippling throughout society

Is there an upside to anxiety?

In his new book, Angst, Jeffrey Kahn argues that anxiety and depression have evolutionary benefits PLUS: Maverick mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot's memoir

Want to keep your genome safe? There's an app for that

A smartphone app will let you access tailored medical services on the fly without your genome falling into the wrong hands

Last life on Earth: microbes will rule the far future

A timeline for habitability on rocky planets around sun-like stars offers a glimpse of Earth's future and a way to search for alien life in places we might have overlooked

Halloween Hellmouth at Iceland volcano

A huge screaming skull full of ash and magma is a terrifying treat for tonight's spooky holiday

MIT show argues for art as an inquiry into the world

A new exhibition at Massachusetts Institute of Technology looks at the way art complements and often goes beyond scientific inquiry

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Looking For Suggestions On Internet Marketing? Look No Further ...

Don?t be intimidated by the complexity of internet marketing approaches; if you take the time to learn the ropes, your bottom line will greatly improve. Fear not because the following tips will help you become profitable with web marketing.

Google Ads are a smart start to any web marketing program and can shorten the wait time for profits. You?ll increase traffic to your website by buying ads targeting important keywords that potential buyers are looking for.

TIP! Work to engender trust among your visitors. If your readers consider you a useful source of information about a topic, they may repay you by buying products through your affiliate links.

You can offer your customers the chance to become one of your own affiliates. Whenever a customer makes a purchase, offer him or her the chance to become an affiliate for your business. You can make a single sale into thousands if you have a client that wants to become an affiliate. This increases both your audience and your profits.

Banner ads that include teasers such as a riddle or question can increase traffic to your website where you provide the answer. You will have people who will just have to click through on that banner advertisement to find the answer. You can also tempt your potential customers with a discount for correctly answering the question.

Affiliate websites differ greatly. Some can be hard or aggravating to navigate. Even if your site is not as efficiently designed as you would like, it is still possible to make money. These services are not only appreciated by visitors; they also enhance the webmaster?s reputation and encourage the visitors to become customers.

TIP! Check to see if any affiliate programs you participate in have referral programs. Some companies do offer better compensation for referrals.

Text services can work well for affiliate programs to generate income. Although this is a new service, many affiliates are already using it to communicate with customers as well as promote new affiliate offers and products.

Try and get a commission from every type of sale when you sign up with a particular affiliate company. Is the company able to track all kinds of orders accurately, such as fax, postal, and telephone orders? This way you will be able to receive all the income that you generate for your affiliates.

By creating special websites for affiliates, you can boost your sales. Presenting your affiliate program with clear, positive language will boost your affiliate numbers. Besides attracting additional customers, a properly optimized site can also attract additional affiliates.

TIP! After you have chosen the products you wish to promote, be sure that you are focusing your efforts on producing an appropriate audience. Products that do not cost a lot should not require a lot of marketing.

Stay away from filling your page with too many banners. Not only will your site look worse, but people will just stop visiting because you look unprofessional. Make sure that there is an abundant amount of content on your website. Design your website so that when someone visits it, their attention is immediately focused on the content, and not the banners.

In order for your online marketing effort to generate more revenue, punch up your review by adding media ? screenshots, videos, or anything that will show off the product. You will lure your customers in to make a buy. Go in-depth in your product summary. Include information on how you use the product as well as the results you have achieved.

TIP! Most of the people on your email list will end up unsubscribing and you will need to replace them with new customers. To get yourself new customers, send out your best e-mail formats to attract them via first contact.

It is becoming more and more rare for affiliate programs to pay lifetime commissions. Still, the rewards of lifetime commissions make them well worth seeking out. In the online marketing model, the vendor pays the affiliate for each customer that buys a product through the affiliate?s referral link. There is usually a set date where the commission will no longer be paid, if the customer makes their purchase beyond that date. The potential rewards are so great that it is worth it to find the rare lifetime commissions out there.

This article demonstrates that having success with online marketing isn?t quite as hard as it appears to be. There is a lot involved with it, but it is one of the best ways to turn a profit on the Internet. Online marketing can improve your business if you follow these tips.

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Looking beyond space and time to cope with quantum theory

ScienceDaily (Oct. 28, 2012) ? Physicists have proposed an experiment that could force us to make a choice between extremes to describe the behaviour of the Universe.

The proposal comes from an international team of researchers from Switzerland, Belgium, Spain and Singapore, and is published October 28 in Nature Physics. It is based on what the researchers call a 'hidden influence inequality'. This exposes how quantum predictions challenge our best understanding about the nature of space and time, Einstein's theory of relativity.

"We are interested in whether we can explain the funky phenomena we observe without sacrificing our sense of things happening smoothly in space and time," says Jean-Daniel Bancal, one of the researchers behind the new result, who carried out the research at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. He is now at the Centre for Quantum Technologies at the National University of Singapore.

Excitingly, there is a real prospect of performing this test.

The implications of quantum theory have been troubling physicists since the theory was invented in the early 20th Century. The problem is that quantum theory predicts bizarre behaviour for particles -- such as two 'entangled' particles behaving as one even when far apart. This seems to violate our sense of cause and effect in space and time. Physicists call such behaviour 'nonlocal'.

It was Einstein who first drew attention to the worrying implications of what he termed the "spooky action at a distance" predicted by quantum mechanics. Measure one in a pair of entangled atoms to have its magnetic 'spin' pointing up, for example, and quantum physics says the other can immediately be found pointing in the opposite direction, wherever it is and even when one could not predict beforehand which particle would do what. Common sense tells us that any such coordinated behaviour must result from one of two arrangements. First, it could be arranged in advance. The second option is that it could be synchronised by some signal sent between the particles.

In the 1960s, John Bell came up with the first test to see whether entangled particles followed common sense. Specifically, a test of a 'Bell inequality' checks whether two particles' behaviour could have been based on prior arrangements. If measurements violate the inequality, pairs of particles are doing what quantum theory says: acting without any 'local hidden variables' directing their fate. Starting in the 1980s, experiments have found violations of Bell inequalities time and time again.

Quantum theory was the winner, it seemed. However, conventional tests of Bell inequalities can never completely kill hope of a common sense story involving signals that don't flout the principles of relativity. That's why the researchers set out to devise a new inequality that would probe the role of signals directly.

Experiments have already shown that if you want to invoke signals to explain things, the signals would have to be travelling faster than light -- more than 10,000 times the speed of light, in fact. To those who know that Einstein's relativity sets the speed of light as a universal speed limit, the idea of signals travelling 10,000 times as fast as light already sets alarm bells ringing. However, physicists have a getout: such signals might stay as 'hidden influences' -- useable for nothing, and thus not violating relativity. Only if the signals can be harnessed for faster-than-light communication do they openly contradict relativity.

The new hidden influence inequality shows that the get-out won't work when it comes to quantum predictions. To derive their inequality, which sets up a measurement of entanglement between four particles, the researchers considered what behaviours are possible for four particles that are connected by influences that stay hidden and that travel at some arbitrary finite speed.

Mathematically (and mind-bogglingly), these constraints define an 80-dimensional object. The testable hidden influence inequality is the boundary of the shadow this 80-dimensional shape casts in 44 dimensions. The researchers showed that quantum predictions can lie outside this boundary, which means they are going against one of the assumptions. Outside the boundary, either the influences can't stay hidden, or they must have infinite speed.

Experimental groups can already entangle four particles, so a test is feasible in the near future (though the precision of experiments will need to improve to make the difference measurable). Such a test will boil down to measuring a single number. In a Universe following the standard relativistic laws we are used to, 7 is the limit. If nature behaves as quantum physics predicts, the result can go up to 7.3.

So if the result is greater than 7 -- in other words, if the quantum nature of the world is confirmed -- what will it mean?

Here, there are two choices. On the one hand, there is the option to defy relativity and 'unhide' the influences, which means accepting faster-than-light communication. Relativity is a successful theory that researchers would not call into question lightly, so for many physicists this is seen as the most extreme possibility.

The remaining option is to accept that influences must be infinitely fast -- or that there exists some process that has an equivalent effect when viewed in our spacetime. The current test couldn't distinguish. Either way, it would mean that the Universe is fundamentally nonlocal, in the sense that every bit of the Universe can be connected to any other bit anywhere, instantly. That such connections are possible defies our everyday intuition and represents another extreme solution, but arguably preferable to faster-than-light communication.

"Our result gives weight to the idea that quantum correlations somehow arise from outside spacetime, in the sense that no story in space and time can describe them," says Nicolas Gisin, Professor at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and member of the team.

The researchers that carried out the work, in addition to Dr Bancal and Prof Gisin, are Dr Stefano Pironio from the Free University of Bruxelles in Belgium, Professor Antonio Ac?n from the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) in Barcelona, Dr Yeong-Cherng Liang from the University of Geneva, and Professor Valerio Scarani from the Centre for Quantum Technologies and the Department of Physics of the National University of Singapore.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by National University of Singapore, via AlphaGalileo.

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Journal Reference:

  1. J-D. Bancal, S. Pironio, A. Ac?n, Y-C. Liang, V. Scarani, N. Gisin. Quantum non-locality based on finite-speed causal influences leads to superluminal signalling. Nature Physics, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2460

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