Friday, December 30, 2011

Super Pacs Spend Big Money in Iowa GOP Race

With the Iowa caucuses just six days away, the Republican presidential candidates were criss-crossing the Hawkeye State Wednesday, as many undecided Iowans were targeted by a flood of television and radio campaign commercials.

With less than a week until the first-in-the-nation voting for a major party nominee on Jan. 3, most of the campaigns are on the attack.

The candidates are hammering away at each other with their so-called "super pacs" financing -- some of the televised attacks on the airwaves.

Super pacs are independent political action committees that can raise an unlimited amount of money from donors.

On his bus tour across Iowa, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is trying to regain momentum and fend off the negative ads by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's campaign and other outside groups.

"All I'd say to Mitt is, 'If you want to run a negative campaign and you want to attack people, at least be man enough to own it. That's your staff and that's your organization -- those are your millionaire friends paying for it,'" Gringrich said.

Gingrich was referencing television commercials that were bought by a pro-Romney super pac.

The pacs have to be careful because if they coordinate with a candidates' campaign, they break the law.

Romney is also going on the attack personally -- focusing attention on the former House Speaker for failing to get enough signatures to get on the ballot in Virginia.

"I think he compared that to Pearl Harbor. I think it's more like Lucille Ball and the chocolate factory," Romney said.

While Romney tries to pull off an upset in Iowa, Gingrich also has to fend off Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas.

Gingrich has even declared he won't vote for Paul -- even if Paul's the GOP nominee.

"I think the choice of Ron Paul or Barack Obama would be a very bad choice for America," he said.

Meanwhile, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and his supporters have actually spent the most money on television commercials in Iowa -- more than the other candidates combined.

Nonetheless, Perry is still behind behind in the polls.

Former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Penn., has campaigned in Iowa the old-fashioned way by visiting all 99 counties and holding hundreds of town hall meetings.

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. has scheduled 11 stops for Wednesday around the state to build momentum and media attention.


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