Tuesday, July 31, 2012

HSBC's UK real estate loan book picks up after strong first half ...

HSBC?s net European commercial real estate loan book has risen by US$464m over the first six months of this year to $32.56bn, taking the global bank?s entire European property lending exposure to $40bn after ?other property-releated loans? to the region.

The majority of HSBC?s European lending is concentrated in the UK. In the first six months of this year, HSBC has closed, inter alia, the following deals:

Last December,?HSBC provided around ?260m towards Land Securities? ?1.05bn revolving credit facility, with a headline margin for the UK?s largest REIT of just 120 basis points over three-month LIBOR.

Across the five additional global regions ? Hong Kong, the rest of Asia Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, North America and Latin America ? HSBC?s global commercial real estate corporate loan book rose by $773m to $74.71bn at the end of June, according to the bank?s interim results published today.

Inclusive of ?other property lending? to non-coporate clients, the aggregate of HSBC?s commercial real estate and other property-related lending was US$115bn at the 30 June, broadly in line with 31 December 2011, representing 12% of the bank?s global multi-sector loan book.

HSBC?s exposure to commercial real estate lending continued to be concentrated in Hong Kong, the UK and North America.

Across its entire loan book, only $3.2bn are impaired and a further $30m are past due. HSBC renegotiated ?2.39bn of global real estate loans over the first six months of the year, which the banks said were predominantly in the UK.

In its interim results, HSBC said: ?The commercial real estate sector, particularly in the UK, continued to face weakening in property values and a reduction in institutions funding commercial real estate lending.

?The commercial real estate mid-market sector continued to experience higher levels of renegotiation activity than is evident with larger corporates, where borrowers are generally better capitalised and have access to wider funding market opportunities.

?In all cases, in assessing the acceptability of renegotiated loans, we consider the ability to service interest as a minimum and reduce capital repayments if possible.

?In the UK, many regions were negatively affected by weak growth in the economy, though London and the South East continued to exhibit relative strength. We are closely monitoring re-financing requirements in the UK market over the next two to three years.?

HSBC said that its exposure to Spain?s troubled commercial real estate sector ?remained insignificant?.


Source: http://costarfinance.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/hsbcs-uk-real-estate-loan-book-picks-up-after-strong-first-half/

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The Student Loan Debt time bomb is now ready to explode on ...


Don't forget that the Federal government took over all student
loans in 2010. This affects not only the kids, but the Baby Boomer
parents who let the kids borrow money in the parents' name!

When neither can repay this debt, there will be yet another write-off
just like the mortgage-backed security crash of 2008.

[link to www.economicpopulist.org]

Ah, the American Dream. Go to college, work hard, graduate, get a good job, career and then you'll be set for life with
high earnings, enough money to buy a home, raise a family and retire comfortably.

Oops, rewind, this isn't the Ozzie and Harriet show, it's real life. Did you know student debt is one of the few
debts one cannot declare bankruptcy on, no matter what? That literally you have to be in a pine box, or close to it,
to have your debt forgiven? That 53.6% of those under the age of 25 with a four year college degree or better cannot
find a job?

Student loan debt is now the next great bubble, threatening the U.S. economy as the mortgage crisis did. The NACBA
released a study and calls student loan debt the next financial crisis, on the level of the mortgage crisis.

College seniors who graduated with student loans in 2010 owed an average of $25,250, up five percent from the
previous year. Borrowing has grown far more quickly for those in the 35-49 age group, with school debt burden
increasing by a staggering 47 percent.

Students are not alone in borrowing at record rates, so too are their parents. Loans to parents for the college
education of children have jumped 75 percent since the 2005-2006 academic year. Parents have an average of $34,000 in
student loans and that figure rises to about $50,000 over a standard 10-year loan repayment period. An estimated 17
percent of parents whose children graduated in 2010 took out loans, up from 5.6 percent in 1992-1993.

Of the Class of 2005 borrowers who began repayments the year they graduated, one analysis found 25 percent became
delinquent at some point and 15 percent defaulted. The Chronicle of Education puts the default rate on government
loans at 20 percent.


Source: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1940008/pg1

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Monday, July 30, 2012

ECB on course to act strongly or disappoint mightily

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - European Central Bank President Mario Draghi must back up his pledge to do what it takes to protect the euro when the bank's policymakers meet on Thursday or else face deep disappointment from investors hungry for - and expecting - immediate action.

In his boldest comments to date, Draghi said last week that, within its mandate, the ECB was ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro, fuelling expectation the bank could revive its bond purchase program as it did a year ago when it started buying the government debt of Spain and Italy.

The talk has already lowered Italian and Spanish bond yields, and the extent to which markets are now primed for a move on Thursday was clearly spelt out in a Reuters poll.

Nineteen out of 24 money market traders said they expect the ECB to restart its mothballed bond-buying program with purchases of Spanish and Italian debt, with 10 out of 19 expecting it announce this on Thursday.

But such a step is far from certain, and the ECB may hold off to intervene in tandem with the euro zone's EFSF rescue fund.

Instead, the ECB could explore new policy tools such as outright asset purchases, or quantitative easing, which Britain, the United States and Japan are using to stimulate growth. There have also been recent suggestions that it could empower national central banks to broaden their asset buying abilities.

The ECB is under intense pressure from within and outside the euro zone to intervene and bring those governments' soaring borrowing costs under control as the debt crisis deepens and increasingly poses a risk to the global economy.

Reflecting the increased tension, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner flew on Monday to Germany, the euro zone's biggest economy and key to any euro rescue plan, and met Germany's finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble.

After their meeting, on a remote North Sea island where Schaeuble interrupted a holiday, they issued a statement saying they were optimistic about reform efforts in the euro zone. Geithner later met Draghi in Frankfurt, but he left that meeting without comment, and no statement was issued.

The ECB chief will also meet Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, a strong opponent of the ECB's government bond purchase program, ahead of Thursday's ECB meeting, a central bank source said.

The prospect of a stronger ECB crisis response drove Italy's 10-year funding costs below 6 percent for the first time since April at an auction on Monday, but fresh turmoil is likely if Draghi fails to convince investors on Thursday.

"With expectations running high, the scope for disappointment at Thursday's ECB policy meeting has increased considerably," said Nicholas Spiro at Spiro Sovereign Strategy.


The August meeting usually draws little attention and in fact the ECB used to skip the summer month's meeting until 2006 - the last year in which it took policy action in August.

The ECB could well break with tradition this year.

Huw Pill, economist at Goldman Sachs and a former senior ECB official, said the ECB could decide on Thursday to buy unsecured debt of bank or firms via the national central banks to address countries' individual weaknesses and to keep risks contained.

"We forecast the announcement of measures to permit national central banks to purchase private-sector assets under their own risk to implement ?credit easing', within a general framework approved by the Governing Council," Pill said.

"Such targeted measures offer a way of managing the consequences of (financial markets') segmentation for the private sector and real economy while maintaining the pressure for governments to act on fundamentals in a manner that reduces and ultimately eliminates the segmentation over time," he added.

The ECB has resisted so far stepping up its action for fear of taking away incentives for governments to implement tough reforms. Jean-Claude Juncker, head of the Eurogroup of euro zone finance ministers, said on Sunday euro zone leaders would work with the ECB to stabilize the euro.

The euro zone rescue fund could, for example, buy government bonds on the primary market, flanked by ECB purchases on the secondary market, media reports said last week. That way, any intervention would only come under certain conditions.

The ECB would like Europe's permanent ESM bailout fund to take over the bond purchases completely, but its limited size could make its intervention less effective.

One idea, favored by France, is to give the ESM access to ECB funding with a banking license. Austrian policymaker Ewald Nowotny said last week such a step had merits - breaking ranks with colleagues.

The Reuters poll showed 17 out of 24 money market traders expect the ESM to get a banking license.

Another cut in interest rates seems less likely as the ECB assesses the impact of its July rate cut to a new record low at 0.75 percent. At that meeting, the bank also decided to stop paying banks interest on their overnight deposits with it.

An earlier Reuters poll showed 44 out of 69 economists expect the ECB to cut rates again by year-end, with seven saying the bank would cut in August.


Draghi's remarks last Thursday left many in the market wondering whether his message had been intended and if so how far the ECB would be prepared to go.

"If you had just landed from planet Mars, and this was the first time that you had heard the ECB speak on this issue, you might think that it was about to fire a big bazooka at sovereign bond markets," said David Mackie, economist at J.P. Morgan.

"But, having listened carefully to the central bank over the last two and a half years, we don't think that is about to happen," he added.

Draghi's candid remarks took some of his fellow Governing Council members by surprise, having not agreed with them before hand on the message he would send. This has prompted concerns Draghi may have raised false hopes in the market.

"Nothing new has been discussed (on action ECB could take), but Draghi is not a man to make comments lightly and at the end of the day he is the one calling the shots," said a euro zone central bank source. "There was always going to be a time when Draghi decided he had to act."

Another source said Draghi was not flagging an imminent move, and any action would likely come only in September or October, in conjunction with euro zone governments, and with a request from Spain for a bailout program, which Madrid was still trying to avoid.

(Additional reporting by Marc Jones and Rahul Karunakar; Editing by Jeremy Gaunt)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/euro-zone-crisis-heads-september-crunch-103328902--finance.html

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Robsten Update: Who is Moving Out?

With new damaging photos out of Kristen Stewart totally macking on Rupert Sanders, we have an update on the living situation between the actress and what is seeming more and more like her EX boyfriend.

Converse to previous reports, sources now say Stewart is the one moving out of the home she had been sharing with Robert Pattinson in Los Angeles.

Robsten in London

People Magazine even has a photo up of a moving truck parked outside the residence Saturday morning, while it quotes a source who says Pattinson is in terrible emotional shape.

"The entire thing has been such a blow to Rob. Talk about having his heart ripped out," says the insider. "Rob just isn't going to be able to get past the cheating – one time or not."

It was a lot more than one time, a relative of Sanders' has come out and said, though this relative doesn't seem to have any first-hand knowledge.

Either way, the result is the same: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart really do appear to be over, making the MTV Video Music Awards on September 6 a must-watch: they are scheduled to present together.

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/07/robsten-update-who-is-moving-out/

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Sony Cuts Some Corners, Delivers an $800 Ultrabook

Sony's Vaio T Series is more restrained than the company's other notebooks, offering a slimmed-down computing experience complete with third-generation Core i5 CPU for just 800 bones.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/GearFactor/~3/UmwkS2Vfdg8/

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

MotherJones: The world's super-rich are hiding $21 trillion in offshore tax havens. That's more than GDPs of US & Japan combined. http://t.co/xu595eVG

Sorry, Readability was unable to parse this page for content.

Source: http://twitter.com/MotherJones/statuses/229607372144902144

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New day, old bickering on taxes between Obama, GOP

President Barack Obama leaves a private residence following his campaign fundraiser in McLean, Va., Friday, July, 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Barack Obama leaves a private residence following his campaign fundraiser in McLean, Va., Friday, July, 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Barack Obama walks from Marine One after returning to the White House on the South Lawn in Washington, Friday, July 27, 2012. Obama attended fundraisers in Virginia. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Graphic shows the annualized growth rate of the U.S. economy

(AP) ? New day, old bickering between President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans.

Obama used his Saturday radio and Internet address to finger GOP lawmakers for a stalemate that could increase taxes on Americans next year. A leading Republican senator cast the president and his Democratic Party as obstructionists who want to place the tax burden on businesses during an economic slowdown.

Obama pressed the Republican-controlled House to extend Bush-era tax cuts for households making $250,000 or less while letting lower rates on wealthier taxpayers expire and go up. The Democratic-controlled Senate narrowly passed such a measure this past week; the House is not expected to follow suit.

"Instead of doing what's right for middle-class families and small-business owners, Republicans in Congress are holding these tax cuts hostage until we extend tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans," Obama said.

Responding on behalf of the congressional GOP, Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said Obama's plan would do more harm to the economy and criticized him with almost identical language. He called for extending current tax rates for all taxpayers and spending 2013 overhauling and simplifying the tax code.

"Raising taxes as our economy continues to struggle is not a solution, and the majority of Americans and businesses understand that," Hatch said. "The president and his Washington allies need to stop holding America's economy hostage in order to raise taxes on those trying to lead our economic recovery."

The competing views frame today's Washington political debate and the presidential contest. With the economy standing as the main issue on voters' minds, Obama, rival Mitt Romney and lawmakers of both parties are engaged in brinkmanship and political test votes ahead of the November election and the Dec. 31 deadline when the Bush-era tax rates expire.

Obama used his address to take a rare swipe at Romney, even though he didn't mention his challenger by name.

"Republicans in Congress and their nominee for president believe that the best way to create prosperity in America is to let it trickle down from the top," he said. "They believe that if our country spends trillions more on tax cuts for the wealthy, we'll somehow create jobs ? even if we have to pay for it by gutting things like education and training and by raising middle-class taxes. They're wrong."

Saturday's dueling addresses come a day after the government reported that weak consumer spending held growth to an annual rate of just 1.5 percent in the second quarter. That was lower than the 2 percent rate of the first quarter and less than what's necessary to help drive down the unemployment rate, now stuck at 8.2 percent.

The White House budget office on Friday also predicted that the economy for this year will grow at a modest 2.6 percent annual rate and that the jobless rate will average 8 percent. It forecasts 2.6 percent growth next year, down from the 3.0 percent it predicted in February.



Obama address: www.whitehouse.gov

GOP address: http://www.youtube.com/gopweeklyaddress

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-07-28-Obama/id-84b786422bc54ffda7575c269b77eb51

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bo wife murder charge vexes skeptical Chinese

BEIJING, China (Reuters) - China's ruling Communist Party might insist that the murder charge against Gu Kailai, the wife of ousted Politburo member Bo Xilai, is a simple case of all being equal before the law, but winning over the jury of public opinion is proving tough.

Since China's last big political scandal -- the purge of Shanghai party chief Chen Liangyu in 2007 -- its citizens have flocked to sign up to the Twitter-like microblogging site Sina Weibo, ensuring this time there will be lively public debate about the case against Bo and Gu, despite tight censorship.

In its first official statement on Gu's case since April, state news agency Xinhua ran a brief report last week saying China will try Gu on charges of murdering a British businessman. The news spread rapidly on Weibo.

While state media generally stuck to reprinting that story, the influential tabloid the Global Times on Friday wrote an editorial warning nobody was above the law.

But that is a line the party is going to have a hard time convincing people is true, as suspicion swirls that populist politician Bo and his wife Gu are victims of a power struggle -- and no more corrupt than other Chinese leaders.

People already have little faith in government statements despite repeated pledges to be transparent, after the SARS cover-up in 2003, among others, and refusal to discuss events such as the 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators in Beijing.

"Who on earth could believe this?" wrote one microblogger, of the Global Times editorial. "Bo has just lost his personal battle; this case has never had anything to do with the rule of law."

Others thought Xinhua's wording that "the crimes are clear, and the evidence is irrefutable and substantial" ruled out any pretence at Gu getting a fair trial.

"It looks like the court is just going to be reading out the Xinhua piece ... What a shameless society without governance. I hope it collapses."

Bo, 62, was widely seen as pushing for a spot in China's new leadership until he was felled by the scandal brought to light by his former police chief, Wang Lijun.

Bo has not been named as a suspect in the murder case, but he has separately been accused of violating party discipline, sometimes code for corruption and abuses of power, and he could face trial at a later time.


Gu has been in police custody for months on suspicion of involvement in Heywood's murder, though few details of the motive or the crime itself have been publicly released. State media said previously that he was killed after a financial dispute.

Xinhua said that the economic dispute between Gu and Heywood involved her son, Bo Guagua, who graduated from Harvard University this year and is still believed to be in the United States. It reported Gu believed Heywood was threatening her son.

Waiting for a meeting in a glass office tower in Shanghai's financial district, Lu Zida, a telecommunications specialist in his 30s, said that as a parent he could relate to Gu's maternal urge to protect her child.

He was, however, under no illusions that the case was as simple or straightforward as it appeared in state media reports.

"This is certainly not a simple criminal case. It's very complex -- money, power and politics," Lu said. "A mother must protect her children. If I was in her position I would do the same if someone was threatening my child. There's no reason not to."

In the steamy southwestern metropolis of Chongqing, once Bo and Gu's stomping ground, a group of five 20-something rural migrant workers said Bo was well-liked for improving the city and cracking down on organized crime.

"He was a political star," said one of the young men, who said he and his friends came from Fengdu, a rural part of Chongqing.

"He's done for now, but the ordinary people still have fond memories of him," said the young man, who declined to give his name. "His wife was the one who caused him this trouble."

Yu Kun, a Chongqing billboard advertising salesman, said he felt for Bo.

"We all love Bo Xilai. We feel that it's about a political struggle," Yu said. He pointed to the unfinished, ultra-modern opera house and science museum jutting out on the other side of the river as evidence of Bo's ability and large ambition.

"Of course, there's corruption," Yu said, when pressed over the allegations against Gu. "In China, everything, everyone has to be corrupt. It's all about the hidden rules. They were no different, but they didn't stand out from the rest either."

(Additional reporting by John Ruwitch in Shanghai and Chris Buckley in Chongqing; Editing by Jeremy Laurence)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/bo-wife-murder-charge-vexes-skeptical-chinese-005536702.html

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Federal Disability Retirement benefits from the US Office of Personnel

In any and every endeavor, whether on a large scale or of little consequential impact, a tripartite approach must be devised:

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Source: http://safeguardfreedom.com/blog/?p=6999

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Driving sobriety tests likely to miss medical pot

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A new, small study suggests medicinal marijuana may impair users' driving skills - but might be missed by typical sobriety tests.

At doses used in AIDS, cancer and pain patients, people weaved side to side more and had a slower reaction time in the hours after using the drug, researchers from the Netherlands found.

For people who hadn't built up a tolerance to marijuana, those effects were similar to driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.08, the point at which drivers are considered legally impaired, they said.

"At this time, we know very little about the possible effects that medical marijuana may have on, say, motor vehicle crash rates, injury rates and mortality rates," said Dr. Guohua Li, who has studied marijuana and traffic accidents at Columbia University in New York but wasn't involved in the new research.

"There is a concern medical marijuana may interact with other drugs such as alcohol that may further compromise driving safety," he added.

The new study involved 12 frequent marijuana users and 12 occasional (three times a month at most) smokers. At three different points, researchers led by Wendy Bosker of Maastricht University gave each of the participants either a 20 milligram or 10 mg pill of dronabinol - medical marijuana - or a drug-free placebo pill.

Two to four hours later, participants completed a series of driving tests, including trying to maintain a constant speed and drive in a straight line, or follow at a constant distance behind another car. They also went through a typical highway sobriety test, involving walking and turning and balancing on one leg.

Participants tended to weave a few centimeters side to side when under the influence, but the impairment was smaller in those who were used to doing pot regularly. After using medical marijuana people also took a second or so longer to react when following another car - although that effect could have been due to chance, the researchers reported in the journal Addiction.

The highway sobriety tests, however, didn't pick up any impairment due to marijuana.


Dronabinol, marketed as Marinol, is intended to have a slower onset than pot used recreationally and can leave people feeling "high" hours after they take it.

"It lasts longer in the oral form, so people are likely to remain impaired for longer periods," said Dr. Barth Wilsey, who studies marijuana for pain relief at the University of California, Davis.

Wilsey, who didn't work on the new study, noted that the doses of dronabinol used in it were the highest allowed, and patients usually are started on lower doses.

"You can go to once a day dosing at bedtime, two and a half milligrams if you're having side effects," he told Reuters Health - and then impairment while driving wouldn't be a concern.

Generic dronabinol costs about $4 for each low-dose pill, or up to $15 per high-dose pill.

Medical marijuana is currently legal in 17 states and Washington, D.C.

Li told Reuters Health most states that have legalized medical marijuana have a provision under the law that people shouldn't drive under the influence.

How well that provision is enforced, and how closely people who use medical marijuana comply with it, is another question, Li said. As the new study shows, "There's no easy way right now to tell if someone is under the influence of marijuana."

Researchers are working on such tools, Li said, but they may be years away from being ready for use in the real world.

SOURCE: http://bit.ly/MkUmR0 Addiction, online July 12, 2012.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/driving-sobriety-tests-likely-miss-medical-pot-192102128.html

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Friday, July 27, 2012

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Source: http://www.galebrealestate.info/purchase-commercial-property-regarding-greater-dividends-07-18-2012-5/

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Dave Ruel's Anabolic Cookbook For Body Builders: A Short ...

Dave Ruel?s Anabolic Cookbook For Body Builders: A Short Assessment

Article by Claudia Kernan

Diet cookbooks are still more plentiful than diet plans. Whatever dieting plan you expect to abide by, whether it?s a mainstream diet like South Beach or Atkins or something more unusual like macrobiotic, you?re going to find plenty of relevant cookbooks at your local bookstore. At present, anabolic cooking is becoming very popular among folks who want to lose weight, build muscle and get fit. Body builders, in particular, are involved in anabolic cooking and that?s why we agreed to peek at the Anabolic Cookbook.

The Anabolic Cookbook was brought together by Dave Ruel. Flavorful, interesting foods form the basis of the eating plan that Dave has put forth in his book. , boring, and lacking in taste describe the foods that most body builders consume, according to Dave. He assembled recipes inside his cookbook that please the eating requirements of body builders without sacrificing flavor, because he was so tired of the standard anabolic diet himself.

Dave is right regarding this. What you eat on your food plan doesn?t have to be disgusting or boring. In fact, lots of individuals seem to have the misunderstanding that good-tasting food has to be bad. The fundamental quality of a food is what certainly will make your taste buds take notice, rather than the additional fat, salt, or sugar that are so common these days. There are plenty of foods you can eat that are entirely good for your health.

So what is anabolic cooking? Whilst it comes to anabolic cooking, you?ll be getting good nutrition while building up your muscles and avoiding too much fat consumption. This is a good target for any diet?you desire food that your body is able to actually use instead of just store. In this regard, Dave gets it totally right.

The fee of the book, however, may shock some people. This cookbook is not economical. The listed fee at the moment this is written is , which as cookbooks go is quite high. It?s true that the cookbook comes with a bunch of special bonus materials but we can?t help but think if there isn?t a means to locate all of the same information online or even off?at the library or a bookstore?for free or a lot cheaper than the current price of this book.

Most folks are in a position where they ought to add muscle mass and subtract bodyfat in order to improve their health and fitness. Surplus flab and unwanted weight are not good for your health in comparison to lean muscles. Intended for getting to your health goals, if they include body building, you should think about the idea of anabolic cooking. Nourishing food will always work better in your body than drugs or artificial supplements. Think about getting a copy of the Anabolic Cookbook if your ambitions agree with Dave?s and if you?ve done enough research to know it?s right for you.

About the Author

Claudia?s websites: 3 Tips for Free Airline Upgrades, The Benefits of Online Airlines Booking, Facts for Making International Airline Booking and Choosing a Caribbean Cruise Line.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Tags: Anabolic, Assessment, Body, Builders, Cookbook, Dave, Ruel's, Short

Source: http://weight-loss-for-dummies-diet.com/articles/dave-ruels-anabolic-cookbook-for-body-builders-a-short-assessment-4.html

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Rachelle's Window: Cure for AIDS Found? Interview with Through ...

Anne Marie Ruff has a plausible scenario. Her first book,?Through These Veins,?explores the relationship between biodiversity and the race to find a cure for AIDs. This exciting story crosses several continents, from a village in Ethiopia to Washington DC. Besides being a medical thriller, Through These Veins explores the cross-cultural interaction between two strong heroines and a dedicated scientist bent for answers. Anne Marie, can you tell us a bit about your background and why you decided to write Through These Veins? I didn?t set out to write fiction, which seems so contrary to the ?just the facts ma?am? axiom we associate with journalism.? I was living in Bangkok, working as a freelance journalist, with the intention of shining a light on unreported or underreported environmental stories. I also covered medical and AIDS research stories to help pay the rent, but they were not really my passion. After a year of telling gloom and doom stories about the destruction of forests, or coral reefs, or traditional agricultural varieties, I felt like even I was becoming desensitized to my deeply held belief that our collective health is inextricably linked to the health of our environment. When, in the course of my reporting, I met a charismatic Italian scientist who approached plant collecting and conservation as if it were an adventure worthy of Indiana Jones. I had a shazaam moment. He ignited an idea for a new approach, a fictional story centered on a character like him. He could carry readers around the world, and inspire in others the passion he felt for the richness of life on the planet. He could articulate the imperative to conserve it for the health and well being of this and future generations. I am grateful for the assignment to cover a scientific conference in Malaysia where I had the chance meeting with the Italian scientist, Stefano Padulosi, for it allowed me to marry my different reporting interests and use everything I learned and more in a novel way.? So facts support my fiction, and hopefully, my fiction will serve the facts. So basically, you already had a strong background in all of the scientific and technical aspects of the story. I would absolutely LOVE it if your story were true, that someone out there has a cure for HIV/AIDS. Do you think it's possible that such a breakthrough could be squashed by the government?

I think the possibility of a cure for HIV/AIDS would be of interest to the government, but could pose disincentives to pharmaceutical companies.? I would challenge you to show me one pharmaceutical company that can afford to undertake the very expensive, risky, and long-term research necessary to develop a cure for HIV/AIDS, or almost any other disease.? Drug companies produce drugs that people take over and over, therapies. ?For example, Truvada, a drug used to prevent HIV/AIDS, has just been approved by the FDA, but it needs to be taken daily. Whereas a cure is sold only once, or over a finite period of time, so the sales model simply will not support the effort.? I don't think that makes drug companies villians, drug makers are simply responding to market forces and are legally required to their shareholders to pursue the most lucrative business strategy. ?I think the problem highlights the need for different organizational models, more along the lines of what the Gates Foundation is doing, to support research into a cure for HIV/AIDS, or any other disease for that matter.?

You've traveled all around the world. What inspires you to write about people who may view the world so differently from you? For me, people are inseparable from travel, and some of the best experiences of my life have been through travel. I love to be in motion, by train, plane, automobile, bicycle, rickshaw, you name it - and all along the way I meet people who teach me things just by living their lives in ways different from my own.? This is the great university of life.? My passport stamps tend to the obscure places in the world. When I spent a lot of time traveling in my 30?s, I figured I could hit more common tourist destinations later in my life. Some of my favorite places ? perhaps all the more so because they were unexpectedly wonderful ? appear in Through These Veins. Turkmenistan was full of intense flavors, the contrasts of green orchards and barren deserts, people first guarded, then gracious. That trip gave me such a sense of adventure because I felt the place remote, cut off, unhurried, absolutely non-digital. Ethiopia offered a highly refined cultural history in the capital, set against a rich kaleidoscope of geography in the countryside ? mountains, rivers, forests, waterfalls, and birds ? oh the birds! In the 1980s Americans were conditioned to think of Ethiopia only as a place of deserts and famines. To be sure, hunger and poverty do exist in Ethiopia, but so do a million other stories. Oman is another favorite place of mine. The exposed geology of the mountains and the gracious hospitality of Arabs, especially my friend?s Bedouin family that hosted me made for an unforgettable village experience ? also off the beaten path (are you sensing a pattern here?). Driving across the Gobi desert in Inner Mongolia, a train ride down the western coast of India, a day trip from Beirut to Damascus to shop in the centuries old bazaar.?

All of these travels were populated by fascinating people.? I have always been a storyteller, and we tell what we know.? So during the years I was traveling, telling a story from a perspective broader than mine as an American seemed less of a conscious choice and more about simply drawing on what was around me.

Your photo albums must be visually rich as well. What was Ethiopia like? How hard was it for you to blend in and get a feel for the culture? Volumes have been written by many writers more qualified than I about Ethiopia?s history, politics, and culture. My objective in traveling around Ethiopia was not to become an expert on any of these things, but to experience the country, to smell it, to hear it, to taste and touch it. And in the process I had a rip-roaring good time. Of course I didn't blend in, but my obvious foreignness made me a curiosity, allowed me to meet all kinds of people; rich people, poor people, scientists and shepherds, hucksters and holy men, expats and exiles. Almost every single person I met displayed an incredible hospitality, sharing with me whatever they had ? food, song, dance, stories, intoxicants. On a bus from Gondar to Bahar Dar, I even made friends with a baby who giggled and offered me his mother?s breast after he had had his fill of mother?s milk (we all found this hilarious). I have enjoyed the bawdy humor of Asmari music and taej in small towns. I have marveled at the religious finery and felt the exhilaration in the streets of Addis during Meskal. I have followed the route of coffee from forests, to factories, to cupping conventions. I have struggled with the bad internet connections and inefficient bureaucracy. I have been awed by the architecture and art at places of pilgrimage. ?You can hear a little of what I heard through a radio musical tour of Ethiopia here.

In short, I have experienced some of the splendor and richness Ethiopia has to offer. I am grateful for these opportunities. I hope that others will be able to experience Ethiopia vicariously as they read Through These Veins, and I hope I will be able to repay some of the debt I owe to Ethiopia and the many people I met there.

Like you, I live in a neighborhood where cross-cultural relationships are the norm. My children are Chinese and Puerto-Rican and yours are Punjabi-European. Are you planning on writing any stories exploring the dynamics of family relationships and deeply held traditions? This is another beloved topic for me.? I am fascinated by the mixing of cultures, especially in situations as intimate and profound as marriage.? This year I published an article about the cross cultural population in Downtown Los Angeles, an amusing look at what happens when you mix all kinds of people together.? On a more serious level, I am writing my second novel about an American woman who marries a Pakistani man, a man who subsequently commits a terrorist act.? The story delves into some searing questions about identity and loyalty, justice and revenge.? While the book is by no means autobiographical, I am drawing on my own experience of a cross-cultural marriage (I married a Sikh man from India) and a familiarity with Islamic culture which I developed during three years I spent living in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates which hosts a large Pakistani population.? Writing the book has been an intensely emotional experience for me, kind of playing out a very scary 'what if?'.?? Sounds like a lot of intense drama! I cannot wait to read about it. Sounds like we have some time for random questions. Morning lark or night owl? White meat or dark? [I'm talking turkey here.] Thanks for being a good sport. We enjoyed talking to you. My pleasure - thanks for such a great set of questions.

One lucky commentator will win a paperback copy of Anne Marie's lovely book?Through These Veins.?(US/CAN only) Please leave a comment or question for Anne Marie and also your e-mail or how to contact you. Let's pray that a cure will be found!

Source: http://www.rachelleayala.com/2012/07/cure-for-aids-found-interview-with.html

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Open Your Mind To New Music With Sonarflow For Itunes

Sonarflow (http://www.sonarflow.com), a new iPhone and iPad app to discover new

music, harmonizes perfectly with the personal music library in iTunes and the musical

universe of about 28 million songs at the Apple iTunes Store (http://itunes.apple.com/


With its visual and intuitive user interface, Sonarflow iTunes offers a new, list-free

view of your music collection. The App is also the perfect tool to discover previously

unknown music on iTunes: the majority of the current 28 million songs in iTunes lead a

life well below the popular mainstream perception. In "Discovery Mode" you will be able

to tap into this rich music source as Sonarflow recommends artists and songs based on

your personal music taste. Sonar Flow for iTunes is available in a free version and in

an ad-free Pro version for 1.59 in Apples iTunes Store.

In todays digital age, music lovers are confronted with a luxury problem. How do you

filter out music you like from the sheer endless supply of songs and albums out there?

A challenging task: 28 million songs are waiting out there to be discovered on iTunes,

other providers such as the streaming service Spotify (for which Sonarflow has recently

released a separate free app for premium users) offers close to 18 million songs in the


Find music in Sonarflows discovery mode

Sonarflow helps to discover music using either its intuitive visual representation of

the users personal iTunes music library or switching to "Discovery Mode":music is

presented on iPad and iPhone using bubbles. The alignment of the bubbles visualises

the proximity of the different music styles to another, the colour of each bubble

represents the music-genre.

The musical journey through the personal music library starts in the genre overview. If

you zoom into a bubble, it displays the several artists. One level below, you will find the

albums of these artists. If you activate the "Discovery Mode", Sonarflow will cross the

boundaries of your iPhone or iPad. The App will now recommend appropriate music,

which it finds in the iTunes universe. Sonarflow will now find new music in the depths

of the music universe, limited only by your personal state of mind. New music can be

listened to in Sonarflow for 30 seconds before you decide to buy.

"Lists simply fall short of the almost infinite variety of the iTunes music catalogue. The

colourful Sonarflow Bubbles are much better suited for discovering new music, as they

enable the user to zoom in and open up more and more music levels. Sonarflow for

iTunes unlocks a whole new musical universe in an intuitive and interactive way", says

Thomas Lidy, CEO of Spectralmind, the company behind Sonarflow.

What makes Sonarflow iTunes so special?

- The iTunes music library is presented in an intuitive graphical interface. With zoom
and swipe you can browse through music on many levels, displayed in coloured

- Without Sonarflow and its Discovery Mode, the majority of the 28 million iTunes
songs would most likely remain undiscovered.

- Sonarflow departs with the one dimensional level (Genre) and extends it with three
others (Artist/Album/Song). Searching for music is substantially refined and song
proposals become more specific.

- After finding appropriate music, play them immediately and create playlists by
simply double-tapping on one of the bubbles.

- Share songs on Facebook, Twitter and via e-mail.

Sonarflow iTunes on iTunes Store: http://itunes.apple.com/en/app/sonarflow-
Download press photos: http://pressdoc.com/p/000ph7
Copyright: Spectralmind

About Spectralmind:
Spectralmind (www.spectralmind.com), established in Vienna, is a technology leader in
the field of audio intelligence. The central subject is the semantic analysis technology that
extracts the audio content that makes "search and selection" of media possible in a quick
and easy way and in a visually appealing manner. The core competence of Spectralmind
is in the automatic analysis of audio, especially music. With its focus on technology,
Spectralmind is able to charge the content of music based on computer assistance

which means describing the content automatically according to rhythm, timbre, etc. and
establishing relations of similarities between music pieces.

With this knowledge about the semantics of a song together with common metadata such as
title, artist, year, user evaluation, sales data, etc. their technology enables the rapid detection
of desired music and audio data, both in end consumer area, as well as for professional
firms in the area of music, advertising and film production.

Spectralmind on the Internet:


Sonarflow on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sonarflow

Contact for editorial inquiries:
i5comm for Spectralmind
Bernhard Lehner
Phone: +43 664 439 86 09
Email: sonarflow@i5comm.com

About the Author:
About Spectralmind:
Spectralmind (www.spectralmind.com), established in Vienna, is a technology leader in
the field of audio intelligence. The central subject is the semantic analysis technology that
extracts the audio content that makes "search and selection" of media possible in a quick
and easy way and in a visually appealing manner. The core competence of Spectralmind
is in the automatic analysis of audio, especially music. With its focus on technology,
Spectralmind is able to charge the con

Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Open-Your-Mind-To-New-Music-----With-Sonarflow-For-Itunes/4061384

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Palo Alto CA Residential Land For Sale 7/26/2012 ? Northern ...

Palo Alto CA Residential Lots and Land For SalePalo Alto residential lots are scarce as general inventory of homes in the area are leading Silicon Valley?s housing market recovery.? If you?re looking for a home site to build on in Palo Alto, we can help.

Here are Palo Alto residential lots and land for sale as of July 26, 2012.? Click on a property?s Listing Price to view its MLS listing, request additional information, or to schedule a site visit.





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Check back next week for updates or subscribe to this ePublication.

Lot sizes are approximate and use of the land is subject to local government regulation and approval.

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Tags: Northern California land and investments, Palo Alto Residential Lots and Land, Palo Alto homes for sale, Palo Alto real estate, Silicon Valley real estate, Palo Alto real estate agents

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John is a real estate broker in the San Francisco Bay Area. He writes about regional real estate markets and the finer side of Northern California living - wine, restaurants, the outdoors, and more. He resides in Silicon Valley and in Wine Country.

Source: http://johnsouerbry.wordpress.com/2012/07/26/palo-alto-ca-residential-land-for-sale-7262012/

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Books of Adam: Iron Goddess of Mercy

The legend goes like this:

In southeast China there was a rundown temple which housed an iron statue of the Bodhisattva Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy. A poor farmer passed the temple each morning on his way to the tea fields. He would look upon the temple with a heavy heart, noting its crumbling condition.
Because the farmer was poor, he had not the means to restore the temple?s glory. Still, he wanted to do something. He brought a broom from his home and swept the temple clean of debris, then lit some incense as an offering to Guanyin. He did this each day for many months. ?It?s the least I can do,? he said. One night, the Goddess appeared to him in a dream and told him of a hidden cave behind the temple where great treasure awaited.
She told him to claim the treasure as a reward for his hard work and share it with the others in his village. The next day, the farmer searched and found the cave the Goddess spoke of, but upon entering found no great treasure. Instead, he found only a tiny tea shoot poking up through the ground. He was disheartened.
The farmer took the tea shoot anyway and planted it on his farm. To his surprise, it grew into a hearty bush from which the finest tea was produced. He gave cuttings of it to his friends and family, and they began selling it. Before long the village prospered and grew famous for its delicious tea. As thanks to the Goddess, they named the tea after her: Tieguanyin. The Iron Goddess of Mercy.

I drink Tieguanyin most nights. Occasionally I?ll switch up the tea I drink, but Iron Goddess of Mercy is the one I continually return to. Making tea is a ritual I look forward to. My workload has a tendency to pile up and the ritual of brewing tea offers momentary respite, during which time I can clear my head and recalibrate. I focus on the steps: filling the tea bag, boiling water, steeping the tea, then waiting for it to cool so I can drink it. It?s a simple ceremony but a calming one, and the legend behind the tea?s origin serves as a hopeful reminder that everything I do will one day amount to something more. It offers solace from the stress of my life, however fleeting.

Another little ritual I have is laying on the floor in the dark, panicking over the notion that I?m wasting my formative years on misguided endeavors.
In these ephemeral moments of despair, tea is of little help. While I?m comforted by the fact that everyone my age deals with the same ambiguities and insecurities, it doesn?t negate the sobering fact that I periodically have, and will continue to have, these big moments of complete and all-consuming doubt that seem like they might cause my whole life to derail?but then watch a bunch of Roseanne episodes or go get some Thai food from the place down the street, and tell myself that everything is all right, and I make some lists in my head and set some goals and before long it?s tomorrow and I?m fine.
Everybody?s twenties are marred by uncertainty. This is fact. I?m 25, about to be 26, which means I?ve begun that slow crawl toward 30. It feels like a good place to pause and reflect on what I?ve learned so far.

1. I Can?t Keep Dating Douchenozzles, Hoping To Turn Them Into Good People

This has taken me ages to learn, and I?m still not sure it?s sunk in all the way. Barring one notable exception, I?ve dated pretty much exclusively garbage-people. For a while, it was fun to imagine that I could reform someone else, like a science project. A part of me still hopes I can find someone to mold into the perfect human specimen, as if I?m building a mate from carefully selected parts.

In reality, I have a hard enough time changing myself. There?s no way I could possibly change another person.

2. I Can?t Eat The Way I Used To

I will probably never be fat. Looking back at the men in my family, not a one of them was anything other than lean (and usually downright noodly), and for this I am thankful. Still, I?m discovering that I can?t continue to shovel food into my gullet and expect to maintain a figure like that of Christian Bale in The Machinist. Now when I eat loads of shitty food, I find myself feeling lazy and lethargic. I have to run longer on the treadmill to maintain my Voldemort-like physique. In a couple years I?ll most likely have to move up a belt size, from 28 to 29, which is too traumatic to dwell on. It would be so much easier if I could eat like I did when I was 16, but I fear that will lead to dark places.

3. I Can?t Drink Like I Used To

I?ve always been a pretty responsible drinker (ahem, sort of) but I just can?t keep up with my younger self any longer. A few months ago I went out for a friend?s birthday and consumed what seemed like a perfectly reasonable number of vodka tonics. I went to bed and woke up the next morning with a crippling hangover. I spent the entire morning on the floor of my living room, my head pounding like Denver the Last Dinosaur was about to hatch from my skull.

In college I could spend the night partying, get 3 hours of sleep, wake up feeling buoyant and refreshed, and go to my 8 AM class without a care in the world. Now if I have too much to drink, I have to personally call FEMA to deliver me a bag of Egg McMuffins.

4. Money Vanishes

I try to keep an eye on my bank account but it still feels like cash is being steadily funneled out of my possession and into a void. I feebly attempt to cling to my finances, yet frugality seems like a nonsense notion in my twenties.

It?s almost sneaky the way it happens. A couple visits to the Las Piedritas taco truck for $5 burritos, a night out at Wimpy?s for $2.50 well drinks, a too-good-to-pass up sale on Bonobos.com, then a couple auto-payments hit my account for bills and my gym membership, and suddenly I have $500 less in checking than I did the week before. It?s as if I?m tying hundred dollar bills to my cat and sending her off into the wilderness, never to be seen again.
Before I realize what?s happened, I?m destitute, with nothing to show for it except a burrito-induced tummy ache and orange chino shorts that don?t even fit because of all the burritos I?ve been eating.

5. I Am Jealous Of Everyone For Their Success, Be It Real Or Imagined

I?m at that age where many of my friends are getting married and having little goblin offspring of their own. Every week I open my mailbox to find save-the-dates and wedding announcements, oftentimes from people I hardly remember. The barrage of invites is endless.

I remember being eight and adamantly claiming I?d never get married (unless it was to Sailor Moon) and that I?d rather die than have children of my own. I?ve softened somewhat on the notion of children, though currently I can?t imagine my life with a son or daughter present. I can fathom no worse hell than having to pause my Skyrim game to change a diaper, and yet I somehow find myself jealous of all my friends who are getting married and becoming pregnant. It shouldn?t be a competition. I don?t even want to get married and I certainly don?t want kids right now, but I still stare at all the wedding announcements pinned to my fridge with a mixture of envy and loathing.
I try to remind myself that this is just a symptom of the Facebook age and that we all make unreasonable comparisons about ourselves and our peers. Then I brew a scalding hot cup of Tieguanyin and casually pour it out the window onto some unwitting passerby.

6. Despite The Pervasive Uncertainty Of Life, I Am Gaining Perspective

Though my days are often filled with a vague sense of dread and forboding, there are moments of profound insight, and I cling tightly to these, collecting them in my subconscious like precious jewels so that I may reference them later. These moments usually manifest in small and quiet ways?an electric, passionate discussion with a friend, or a walk through the city when the weather is perfect and the streets are buzzing with life. These moments are like little islands of positivity. Sometimes I get tired of swimming, but I trust there?s another little island on the horizon.

I like to think that when my twenties come to a close, I will be at peace with myself and at one with the universe, wise and tranquil like a spiritual Maharishi.
For now, I?ll draw and I?ll write, and I?ll try to learn new things, and I?ll attempt to take something positive away from every experience I have, no matter how small. I?ll try to keep my finances in check and be nice to my friends even when they?re being insufferable little shits, because I love them and I know they?re the same as me. And I?ll make Tieguanyin tea at night, and imagine the Iron Goddess watching over me, telling me that someday all my insecurities and second-guessing will melt away, and everything will be good, and I will stop worrying.

Source: http://www.booksofadam.com/2012/07/iron-goddess-of-mercy.html

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RIM May Finally Launch 4G BlackBerry ... - Business Insider

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The long-awaited 4G LTE BlackBerry PlayBook may finally launch next week, according to a leak document obtained by Mobile Syrup.

If the document is legit, the 7-inch tablet will launch on the Bell Canada network on July 31 and it would retail for $540 (in U.S. currency) with 32 GB of storage. The tablet is also said to have 1 GB of RAM and a 1.5Ghz dual-core processor, along with the 4G LTE and HSPA+ connectivity.

RIM Playbook leaked


Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/rim-may-finally-launch-4g-blackberry-playbooks-next-week-2012-7

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Asian-American soldier who shot himself said to endure racial taunts

Fort Bragg, N.C. - (Reuters) - Some U.S. Army soldiers testified on Wednesday that they heard a Chinese-American soldier called racially derogatory names by a superior, but said they never saw signs Private Danny Chen was suicidal.

Chen, born to immigrant parents in New York City, killed himself by gun shot in a guard tower in southern Afghanistan last October. One of his superiors, Sergeant Adam Holcomb, is standing trial this week in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, on allegations that his hazing of Chen led the 19-year-old to commit suicide.

Holcomb, 30, has pleaded not guilty. He faces nearly 18 years of confinement and a dishonorable discharge if convicted of charges that include negligent homicide.

Seven of Chen's other superiors also face charges in the case and will be tried separately.

Holcomb's attorneys argue Chen killed himself because he was struggling as an infantryman and had been disowned by his parents for joining the Army.

Fellow soldiers who testified on Wednesday agreed Chen sometimes showed up for duty without the proper equipment and fell asleep while he was supposed to be keeping watch in the guard tower.

But some said the young soldier seemed to get picked on or singled out more than others for punishment.

In a military culture where nicknames are common, Chen's fellow soldiers said he endured racial slurs. They said Holcomb called Chen "dragon lady," "Jackie Chen," and "egg roll."

Several soldiers testified Chen never said whether the names bothered him, but Private 1st Class Adrian Douglas said Chen told him the references sometimes angered him. "But he felt like he couldn't really do anything about it," Douglas said.

Private 1st Class Joshua Morgan said he and Chen were close friends. Though Chen usually was in good spirits during their deployment, Morgan said his friend confided that his parents had disowned him.

Chen's father, Yan Tao Chen, denied on Wednesday that he and his wife had cut off contact with their only child.

He said he thought "it was a glorious thing" that his son joined the Army. "What I am most happy about is he was able to choose what he wanted to do," he added.

(Editing by David Adams and Todd Eastham)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/asian-american-soldier-shot-himself-said-endure-racial-184257783.html

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bulgarian PM: Conspiracy behind suicide bus bombing

By NBC News wire services

A suicide bomber who blew up a bus in Bulgaria last week, killing five Israeli tourists, was backed by an organized group who helped him plan and carry out the attack, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borisov said on Tuesday.

Borisov said police had not yet identified the bomber, who along with the Bulgarian bus driver also died. More than 30 people were wounded in Wednesday's attack at Burgas airport.

Borisov said the perpetrator had not acted alone.

"These are extremely experienced people who have followed strict conspiracy rules," Borisov told reporters after meeting John Brennan, a U.S. counter-terrorism adviser to President Barack Obama.

"From what we see, they arrived nearly a month beforehand, changed rental cars, and traveled to different cities ... and not more than one of the people we are looking for was captured on either security camera," Borisov said.

He declined to give more details on the plotters.

"There was absolutely no chance of preventing such an act of violence," Borisov insisted, according to The Associated Press. "We could have only detected it by chance or if we had been informed by the services that such activities were under way in Bulgaria."

An explosion rocked a bus carrying Israeli tourists at an airport in Bulgaria, killing at least four people. NBCNews.com's Dara brown reports.


Borisov said that the bomber's DNA and fingerprints had not matched anything held on file by Bulgaria or by partner spy agencies.

Bulgaria official: Suspected suicide bomber carried fake Michigan license

He suggested that the attacker, whose bomb was concealed in his backpack, may have entered Bulgaria on a plane from the European Union's "Schengen" passport-free travel zone.

"We do not know his identity, but it is known when he has arrived, the presumed flight, where he came from. It could turn out that he entered Bulgaria from a Schengen member country," Borisov said.

Israel's military chief insisted Tuesday that Iran and Hezbollah were involved and vowed that Israel would respond to the attack.

"We will have to find a way to respond to this attack, and not just a one-off," Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz was quoted as telling the Israeli parliament's foreign affairs and defense committee. "We will know how to do it judiciously. Ultimately, the response will come."

His comments were relayed by a meeting participant who discussed contents from the closed session on condition of anonymity. Iran has denied the accusations.

Borisov said that Bulgaria -- a member of both the European Union and NATO -- would not say who it thought was responsible for the attack until the investigation was complete.

Brennan said the U.S. has been working with Bulgaria on the investigation.

"Bulgaria will continue to have the full support of the United States in the weeks and months ahead," Brennan said.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/24/12931949-bulgarian-pm-conspiracy-behind-suicide-bomb-plot?lite

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Real Estate Investors Magical Marketing Elixir > Atlanta Real ...

I was like any other investor, I did the best with what I knew and when I knew better, I did better. I used to find my properties by searching for them on the internet or hiring a Realtor to scout the local market for good deals. I remember the very first creative financing property I bought was so dirty we had to set up a tent in the master bedroom just to save us from the bugs. The deals I got were normal deals. Somebody would find me a deal, I would fix it, and I would wait for somebody else would sell it. My marketing efforts were not bold by any means, but worked fairly well for some time.

Then I heard about motivated sellers. Apparently, there were loads of people who needed help. These were folks who couldn?t deal with their obligations anymore and would give me their properties for free Or even pay me to take them. He told me that these sellers didn?t care about money anymore. All that all they wanted was for someone to solve their problems. All I needed was television commercials, large scale print advertising, and other expensive forms of marketing to find them.

It sounded too good to be true. Besides, My marketing budget was $0. I certainly couldn?t afford to pay for commercials or billboard advertising. I heard of franchise companies that investors had to pay dearly and spend copious amounts of time buying property. I thought of my quality of life. I knew there had to be a better way. If only I could figure out how?

Then one day, I met with a Mentor. We had a good long discussion about motivated sellers and the ways that I find them using creative marketing strategies. The benefits of saving money accompanied with no closing dates, no middle men, no banks, and no down payments and no closing costs absolutely blew my mind. Suddenly, I had found my calling.

I immediately began testing marketing strategies. I partnered up with my mentor and began advertising with a combined monthly marketing budget of $12,000 per month. We used bandit signs, tv commercials, print advertising, mailers, and more. The river of motivated sellers began flowing and I was glad to baptize myself into all the profit they had to offer.

I Faced My First Test. I quickly learnt that my partner, whom I thought was an ally, was an enemy in disguise. ?A wolf in sheep?s clothing.? The combined marketing effort that we had launched together was being controlled by this so-called mentor and partner and he was cherry picking the leads before they got to me. He essentially filtered the good leads from the bad ones and sent me travelling, aka; ?Wasted Windshield Time.? I thought; ?This was very clever of him.? I was immediately upset that this turd would take advantage of my good nature, and that I had been systematically cheated. I surgically removed this personality from my business & personal life the moment I recognized the negative manifestations that he produced. Looking back, I?m disappointed I let him swindle me, but proud of the swift & prompt way in which I deleted his existence from my life. I was now better-off and the world was now full of amazing possibilities.

?It?s ok to swim with sharks; so long as you don?t mistake them for goldfish.?

I had to find a New Approach to Marketing. My previous partner had all the marketing savvy. He had owned and operated several marketing businesses before partnering with me. Besides what I had learnt from him about marketing, I was now on my own. I spent tens-of-thousands of dollars of my profits on testing new marketing strategies. I created and produced my very own TV commercials, used expensive print advertising in newspapers and mailers. I immediately tested all the most expensive forms of marketing sacrificing massive profits for maximum experience.

Testing New Marketing Strategies is a Very Expensive Process. I began spending all my profits on learning whether a new marketing strategy would work or not. This was a very expensive way to obtain my education. Spending copious amounts of capital on testing marketing strategies simply was not a good way to pay my bills. Although, I paid lots of other people?s bills, but had little left over for my own. I had to once again; find a better way.

The Reward Finally Arrives. After investing more money than most people make a year into advertising, I quickly began learn more cost effective approaches to marketing. Now, I could find the best deals from motivated sellers, in any market, at any time, for mere pennies-on-the-dollar.

I Returned to the Ordinary World of Investing. Now, I am that experienced investor in the room full of investors whom I used to wonder; ?How does he find such great deals?? I?ve since noticed and realized the importance that my specialized information offers to investors, both new and experienced. I realized quickly that if others learn from my experiences, it will save them from much of the hardship I experienced while learning marketing. If investors new of my hardships, they may be able to progress and develop even faster than I did.

My Last Test. I realized that I needed to create advertising and marketing material to help other investors. I also needed to study with the best mentors in the industry, develop my public speaking skills, and immediately begin to use everything I?ve learned to create material that contained more practical content than any other speaker on the national circuit.

The Sacrifice Was Immense. Within 6 months, I had my first book; ?How to Find Killer Deals?, which has now developed into ?Killer Deals.? Killer Deals is a Marketing and Advertising Handbook for Real Estate Investors. Using just 1 chapter of this material, I created a 1 day LIVE truly transformative marketing event called; ?51 Ways to Find Motivated Sellers? At this event, I am able to teach both new and experienced investors the most powerful forms of marketing that provide the most profitable results. I?m able to speed-up the growth and development of all real estate investors by sharing my specialized knowledge in marketing. It is my pleasure in doing so.

In Massive Profits,

Robert J. Woodruff

My book; Killer Deals & Live Event; 51 Ways ?became my magical elixir for real estate investors. I now use this magical elixir to help investors who still reside in the ?Ordinary World.? If you still reside in the Ordinary world of Investing; Get your very own magical elixir today; The Killer Deals Handbook & RSVP for the LIVE Event; 51 Ways! You will be thankful you did.

Source: http://atlantareia.com/articles/a-real-estate-investors-magical-marketing-elixir/

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Serving Lift the house Loans Haze | Trade Finance Bank

So? you?re going to buy a house and need a house loan?
Where do you begin?
Whether that you?re a initial home shopper, have ordered and sold several times a day, are re-financing, seeking a great equity mortgage loan, or perhaps a opposite motgage ? there are a lot of factor to weigh?
Do you ultimately choose fixed amount, variable amount, adjustable amount ? or perhaps interest simply.
Rates, fees, costs can most vary.

Let?s have a look at the variations:
Fixed Interest ? ordinarily Improve Body shape fixed to the life on the home mortgage loan, say 15-30 ages, regardless of increases or perhaps decreases in market fees. This style of home mortgage loan is ideal for those over a budget ? while you always know what your repayment demands are.
Adjustable (Changing) Interest ? such a home mortgage loan allows the interest rate to always be adjusted according to the present market fees -usually adjusted by the end of pre-determined periods. These usually have lower monthly premiums and tend to be more flexible as compared with fixed.
Balloon Home mortgage ? this is certainly fixed amount of money payments for some time and subsequently one substantial payment (balloon) into the end on the term.

Graduated Payment Home mortgage ? here the payments start small and also gradually raise.
Interest Solely ? such a home loan is frequently only for your specified time ? exactly where interest simply is paid out ? therefore the principal is not reducing. Usually simply used for a few days, or to be able to finance an extra property.
Second House loan ? this draws on the quantity of equity you could have at your residence. Usually made use of for property renovation, to consolidate debt as well as to purchase an extra property. Usually collection payments at a fixed interest rate. Be mindful that rates are ordinarily higher.

Home Equity Home mortgage ? this is certainly borrowing from the equity at your residence. It is usually used to be able to finance property renovations. Interest rates will vary, as can certainly the fees and phrase ? this can be a very cut-throat market ? so do your studying. This loan provide tax positive aspects ? nonetheless, your property is up as secured.
Reverse House loan ? also known as ?equity release?. This is perfect for seniors to be able to convert the equity inside their home to be able to cash. Repayments will not be required until finally Diet Solution Program they completely move, sell, die or perhaps reach the finale on the loan phrase.

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Source: http://www.tradefinancebank.com/serving-lift-the-house-loans-haze/

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