Friday, June 1, 2012

Yokel Local Internet Marketing The 4 Stages of Customers your ...

Research has shown that the typical online consumer goes through several stages of the decision buying process prior to doing actually business with you.

The stages are: I?m Currently Satisfied Stage, Research Stage, Comparison Stage, and Buying Stage.

It?s important that your local online marketing strategy adequately reflects all four of these psychological stages. If your online presences doesn?t take into account all four of these stages you may be missing out on potential consumers looking to do business with you. Websites that employ the wrong strategy, may loose many good opportunities to improve market share.

Here at Yokel Local Internet Marketing?we generally advise our clients that their online strategies and tactics should be based on their potential customers psychological decision making process. Having a general understanding of the four stages can improve your online presence.

Stage 1: The I?m Currently Satisfied Stage. Consumers in this stage may not usually be ready to do business with you. They may not be to familiar with you, or even your brand. Maybe they have heard not so glowing information about your goods and services, or are not quite sure if you are even a potential solution. They may have real issues that your goods and/or services could potentially solve, but for some reason they are not committed to taking action. Some of these consumers feel they are satisfied with their current situation while others are not. In either case, they are not ready to act. Questions they may be asking themselves are.

  • Do I have a problem or feel pain?
  • How serious is my problem or pain?
  • Is my problem or pain serious enough that I need to take action?

One way of addressing these consumers is by acknowledging their pain or problem. You can even share what others have done that were previously in the same or similar situation. And finally, share how their pain or problem was resolved by using your goods and services.

This is sometimes referred to as the Feel, Felt, Found Method. This is one reason why having online reviews can be powerful. Consumers often look to reviews to find others that have experienced similar types of pain and resolutions. Consumers in this stage can be identified by the type of phrases they type into search engines. For instance, a good example would be: ?insurance company reviews??

Stage 2: The Research Stage. Typically this consumer is still early in the buying process. When searching online, these individuals often use generic terms and phrases. This consumer may not be necessarily ready to buy now, but they are hungry for solid information. Many businesses completely miss out on this opportunity to improve market share because they don?t adequately provide enough online information for this consumer to even consider them as an option. While in this stage, consumers are generally open to any potential solution, brand, or provider. If you are able to be a resource during this stage, you greatly improve your odds of being selected as their solution. They may be on their favorite search engine using terms such as ?Best auto insurance companies?

Stage 3: The Comparison Stage. Consumers in this stage have moved a bit further along the buying process. They are preparing to do business with someone. They have narrowed their potential selection pool down to a few. They may have based their decision on things like online reviews, information gained while in the research stage, and/or other outside influences. For these consumers, your online strategy needs to sufficiently differentiate your offerings from your competitors. Having built a foundation of encouraging your clients to share their personal experience about your brand, goods, and services through local review sites, proper social media management, blogs, videos, and beneficial website content can be extremely rewarding for you. Having your existing customers providing the answers as to why someone should do business with you is more powerful than anything you could possibly say yourself. Even with that being said, you still need to present your case as to why consumers should do business with you. While this group is searching online they may type in terms similar to ?auto insurance quotes in Las Vegas?

Stage 4: The Buying Stage. This stage the consumer may be apprehensive and nervous about making a final commitment. They have decided exactly what the solution to their pain should be, whether it?s a specific product, a specific service, or a specific provider. You should ensure that your online presence addresses these consumers as well. This is the consumer that is very specific with their online search. They may be on Google typing in terms such as ?Geico insurance office in Las Vegas?. As you can see their search has become much more specific than the previous stages. If you have competitors that? offer the same brand, products, and or services you want to ensure consumers are selecting you offerings more often than your competition. You should provide compelling reasons for them to do business with you. Once again, reviews, videos, and a solid social media campaign can provide you a tremendous advantage.

Yokel Local Internet Marketing is a inbound marketing firm located in Las Vegas Nevada. We provide services from basic internet marketing consultation to becoming your entire outsourced in-house marketing department. If you think your business could possibly benefit from our services, give us a call today.

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